Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)




Oh it hurts. My ass is on fire. I can’t feel my limbs and whatever he’d stuffed in me kept me on the edge of orgasm without offering relief. But worst of all was the pain in my heart. If I could I would beg and plead, apologize for my wicked ways, but he had gagged me.

The room was in total darkness. He had put some kind of blackout shield on the windows and not even a speck of light seeped in. Mercifully he had turned off the water in the next room because I don’t think I could’ve withstood that much longer.

I listened for any sound, any movement outside, but he had designed the room so that nothing got in or out. I wonder where he was, what he was doing? Did all this mean that he wouldn’t send me away? Or was this the last hurrah before he said enough and traded me in for a more obedient model?

The thought had tears springing to my eyes and put fear in my heart. I would die a thousand times if he left me. Why had I been so rash? What was I trying to prove? Had I hurt him? I know now that I had time to think that I had embarrassed him in front of the others and for these men that was a big no-no.

I felt horrible at the thought. And what about the girls, what had I brought down on their heads? My eyes were dry from too much crying and my skin itched from the drying tears but with my hands tied there was no way for me to scratch the itch. And now I have another worry. My bladder was full.

I had more than enough time to think as I was left there and none of it was good. He’s right and I was so wrong and if he gives me a chance I will never disobey him again. I begged his forgiveness a thousand times as I laid there hoping he’d come back, if only so I could see his face. Oh Cord.

I don’t know how long I was left there. It could’ve been days could’ve been hours. My limbs were long past the point of pain and numbness. He came into the room and released me from the chair, still with no words. After he untied my arms and legs I waited for the gag to go but he left that in place.

I tried talking to him with my eyes but he wouldn’t even look at me, it was as if I weren’t there. That hurt and I felt the pain in my depths. He finally removed the gag and I worked my jaw to get the feeling back. When he walked out of the room without another word I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do. Should I follow him?

I stood there in uncertainty for the longest while before building up the courage to leave the room. The hallway was in darkness and so was outside. It was still night. I made my way tentatively to the bedroom door my heart in my throat when I saw that it was closed. Nothing hurt more than turning the knob and finding it locked against me.

The little whelp of hurt was barely above a whisper as I slid down the wall. I sat there until my body wore out and I couldn’t hold myself up any longer. Then I laid across the floor at his door, finally broken. I had learned my lesson.




I almost stepped on her as I left the bedroom the next morning. I hadn’t given much thought to where she would spend the night after I’d shut her out of our bed, and looking down at her tearstained face I felt a little sadness at what I had had to put her through.

I wanted very much to reach down and pick her up in my arms and take her back to the bed and reassure her with sweet loving, but the punishment must fit the crime. So instead I walked around her and headed out the door to start my day.

I left the compound without telling her and went to work with my brothers who kept watching me like they were expecting me to blow or some fuck, but I kept myself well contained. I did what I came there to do to help set shit up for our leave and headed home at end of day.

The guys didn’t ask me anything about the situation, which saved me from planting my fist in someone’s face. “Cord, you okay?”

“Ty slammed into the front seat next to me.

“I’m cool.”

“That’s good. You guys coming to dinner tonight?” I guess that was his roundabout way of sticking his nose in my shit.

“I don’t think so.” He started to open his mouth but thought better of it and closed his trap.

I turned up the radio and sped through the streets to home before the other two in the back decided to start with me. Con and Lo just watched me as I headed to the house but neither of them approached.

She was sitting on the couch looking like a little lost puppy when I walked in. No one else was there. She looked up at me when I came through the door and I walked over to her. Her eyes widened when I stood over her, but I still wasn’t ready to give her my words.

Without uttering a word, I pulled her up from the couch and took her to the playroom. I didn’t give her any warning before I tore the clothes from her body and threw her on the bed. She was too scared to even look back at me.

I pulled her up on her hands and knees and drove my tongue into her pussy from behind, until she was wet. Still without uttering a word, I unzipped enough to release my cock before driving it into her. I forgot and went balls deep. Her scream this time was from the pain of my cock forcing itself through unused muscle and tissue.


