Collect the Pieces – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 121578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 608(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)

I snort with laughter. “True.”

Another question forms in my mind.

Fuck, he’s really not going to like this one. “What if one of those times you check in with Trinity she changes her mind?”

But instead of angry, Wrath looks pained. He glances over his shoulder like he wants to be sure Trinity’s nowhere in the vicinity. “I don’t know. Before we got married…it would’ve been a deal-breaker for me. Now…I don’t know. I think I’d do anything she asked of me.”

We sit in silence for a few seconds, then his lips tilt into a half smile. “Nah, I don’t have to worry about that. Before you guys got here the other night, Teller shared a charming tale of little Ivan pissing in his face during a diaper change. Trin gagged more than she laughed at that one.”

Checkmark in the no-thank you column.

“I’m sure you laughed your ass off.” I snort.

A wide grin stretches across his face. “With all the shit that’s come out of Teller’s mouth over the years, having his son pee in his face feels like Karmic justice or something.”

Harsh laughter bursts out of me. “You’re evil.”

“Seriously, though,” he says. “I get what you’re saying about your family.” He takes a deep breath, the lines on his forehead shifting down. “But for some people, having your own family, doing it right and with the right person…it can be healing in a way? Murphy and Heidi both had shit parents, and it’s just made them determined to do everything right with their kids. Give them the childhood they never had, you know?” He waves a hand toward the door. “In fact, they’re all doing that. Every one of us comes from one fucked-up situation or another.”

“It seems wrong to use my kids as an experiment, though,” I point out. “Like, spit some out and hope I don’t fuck them up.”

“Yeah, well, that’s why if you’re going to have kids, you need to have them with a good partner. Margot seems kind and she must have a deep well of patience to put up with you,” he finishes with a smirk.

“Yeah,” I scoff. “Thanks.”

His lip curls. “Would she still want to live in the funeral home, though? If you two…” He waves his hand in front of him as if he’s trying not to spook me by saying the words married or kids.

Would she?

“I don’t know. Like I said, it’s not something we’ve talked about, yet.” I roll my shoulders back. “I didn’t think…I never thought I’d⁠—”

“I get it. For what’s it’s worth,” he says, “Margot’s special. Good ol’ lady material.”

I blink and sit back in my chair. I don’t think Wrath’s ever “pre-approved” an ol’ lady before. “You think so?”

“Hell yeah. She handled herself well with the guys.” His lips twist with amusement. “Heard she stood up for herself with your muffler bunny fan club too.”

“Bro, I swear I didn’t give her that knife thinking she’d have to use it here.”

He slaps his hand on the table. “Seriously, if you really don’t want kids, don’t do it. There’s enough unwanted, fucked-up people on this planet. Don’t let anyone pressure you into it. But you should probably have that conversation sooner than later, yeah?”

My throat’s too tight to answer, so I nod.

“It might not be easy but if you both want different things…”

We should go our separate ways.


“Thanks, brother.” I hold out my hand and he takes it, pulling me in for a shoulder bump. “I know this was kinda weird. Didn’t mean to get so personal. Appreciate you listening and your advice.”

“Don’t mention it.” He scowls and tightens his grip, nailing me in place. “Seriously. Don’t mention this conversation to anyone. I don’t need all our brothers thinking Daddy Wrath is handing out life advice. The rest of ‘em need to keep annoying Rock with their dilemmas.”

Daddy Wrath. The joke’s practically writing itself. But if I utter it, I risk him snapping my wrist like a chicken bone. “I’ll keep your secret, Papa Wrath.”

He snarls and releases me with a sharp shove.

Then, after a beat, he nods once. Like he has one more piece of wisdom to share. “You’re not your father, Jigsaw. Ignore whatever fucked-up shit is still lingering in your head from your childhood and listen to what I’m telling you. You’re not an abuser. You’re a protector.”

The words hit hard.

I respect Wrath’s opinion. A lot.

But I wonder if he’d still feel that way if he knew how I abandoned my little sister and left her with my monster of a father.



Later in the afternoon, we return to our room to pack up our stuff. I take a quick shower and wrap myself in a towel. As I step out of the bathroom with my toiletries in my hand, I find Jigsaw at the closet, flipping through the few items I’d hung up Friday night.


