Collect the Pieces – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 121578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 608(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)

“Uh, why?”

“Can I show you something?”

A prickling of awareness travels over the back of my neck. It can’t be.

“I’m afraid to ask.”

She grins even wider and tiptoes to the corner where she left her backpack. She unzips one of the front pockets. After a second or two of rummaging through the dark depths, she pulls out a black velvet satchel with a triumphant smile.

My stomach clenches. She’s fucking kidding, right? “That’s not…”

She unties the bag and pulls out the freaky statue from her story. Solid dark wood, a little charred on one side and a bunch of nails poking out of its eyes and belly button.

I stare at it, thoroughly creeped the fuck out. “That story was true?”

She shrugs. “A client gave it to me. It’s kinda spooky, though. Right?”

Hail Satan, could this woman be any more perfect for me?

Uncertainty dims the excitement in her eyes when I don’t answer right away. “You also warned me that the guys might mess with me. I figured if I had the chance to tell that story, I’d leave this as a gift for one of the guys to find…” She drops her gaze. “Sorry, that’s silly and childish, huh?”

“It’s fucking perfect, is what it is.” Pure glee bubbles through my blood. This will haunt Rav for at least a few hours. Serves him right for picking on my girl the first time she visits the clubhouse. “Where should we leave it?”

“Oh, I thought right in front of his door would be funny.”

“Nah, we can do better than that.” I pull out my phone and thumb through my texts until I find the group chat with Wrath, Trinity, Murphy, Heidi, and Dex.

Me: Anyone know code to Rav’s room?

A few seconds later, Wrath comes through for me. No questions asked.

“Put her back in the bag.” I nod to the statue in Margot’s hands. “We’re taking her on a lil’ trip.”

Murphy sends a follow-up. He’s still at the bonfire.


Giddy with the thought of scaring the piss out of Ravage tonight, I lead Margot out of our room and across the hallway. He’s not an officer yet, so his room’s closer to the staircase. I hurry Margot to his door, punching in the code fast, hoping to avoid anyone seeing us and ruining the surprise.

Margot giggles as I shove the door open and usher her inside.

Her laughter cuts off as I close the door behind us and flip on the overhead light.

“Goodness, I thought I was nose blind from all the chemicals I use at work, but it reeks of…” Margot wrinkles her nose in the cutest way.

“Cum and disappointment?” I suggest.

“I was going to say bodily fluids and weed.” She sniffs the air again. “But yours is probably more accurate.”

My gaze ping-pongs around Rav’s messy room—open closet door with clothes drooping from hangers, boxers and shirts dripping from dresser drawers. Nightstand drawer open with strips of condoms dangling from all directions. “All right, where are we leaving it?” I cast another look around. “Where he’ll actually see it at some point this weekend?”

She purses her lips and studies the room. “Top of the nightstand? If he comes in late, he might not notice it until morning.”

“Perfect.” I hold my hand out, offering her first crack at prank placement.

She plucks at a box of tissues with her thumb and index fingers, gingerly shifting it aside, then plants the statue right in front of it.

“Nice.” I let out a cackle. If Rav’s as drunk or high as I think he’ll be when he turns in tonight, he might not notice it until morning. From the angle it’s sitting, it should be the first thing Rav sees when he opens his eyes.

And to be sure he doesn’t see it until the sun’s up, I walk over and unplug the lamp on the nightstand. “Give me that chair.” I point toward the desk.

Margot hesitates, eyeing it for a second before shifting a pile of clothes onto the floor and dragging the chair over.

“Hit the light switch,” I say, stepping onto the seat.

She flicks the switch off, plunging us into darkness. A second later, the glow of her phone’s flashlight slices through the shadows.

“Thanks,” I murmur, carefully unscrewing the overhead lightbulb. “There. That’ll keep him from seeing it until morning.”

A sharp gasp. Then Margot slaps a hand over her mouth, her shoulders shaking. “Oh my God. You’re evil.”

While Margot keeps the room illuminated with her phone, I hop off the chair, set the bulb on the dresser, and return the chair to the desk. She sweeps the light across the space again, pausing on the statue.

“You realize he might actually destroy it when he finds it, right?” I feel compelled to make sure she’s thought this through in case the creepy statue actually has some sentimental value to her. “It’s not like a priceless piece of art or family heirloom, is it?”


