Captivating You (How to Marry a Billionaire #2) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74940 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 375(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)

“Fuck,” I grit out in a whisper as I spill into her.

I spill more than just my semen. I spill some of my devastation. Just a little.

But it helps.

A moment later, I pull out of her and take her in my arms, giving her a passionate kiss.

She pulls away and sucks in a breath. “My God, River. I love your cock.”

“It loves you too.” I smile at her and roll onto my side.

A few moments later, Emily’s breathing becomes steady and shallow. I kiss her lips once more, and she doesn’t stir.

I glance out the window. Morning twilight has broken, and the dark blue has burst into lighter shades of purple and indigo. Pink and orange are coming...and so is everything else.

This day...

This day will dictate so much.

I slip out of bed quietly so as not to disturb Emily, pull on my clothes, and sneak back to my suite.




I wake up in my bed, the sheets wrapped around my naked body. It’s still dark outside, but dawn is approaching. My head aches and my nose is congested from all the crying I did while I was in the shower.

I have to go to the bathroom, so I rise. Once there, one look in the mirror is a terrible reminder. Though my face is scrubbed clean and devoid of makeup, my nose is red and my eyes are bloodshot. My eyelids are puffy, like freshly risen bread dough. They look like they’re filled with unshed tears.

I can’t possibly have any tears remaining, though. I cried in the shower until the water ran lukewarm, and then I dried off and went to bed and cried myself to sleep over worry for Lavonne, Leroy’s mother. I did my fair share of crying over Leroy too, and over Stephanie, the woman he gave up our four-year relationship for, only to have it not work out. And I cried about Alex and Brett. Zion and Marc. Especially Marc. I took a decent guy and nearly forced him to make me come, and then I callously threw him out of my room last night.

My hair is a ratty mass of brown strands because I didn’t comb through it after the shower. I grab my brush and try to smooth it out.

“Ow!” I yell as I yank through the tangles. A good ten minutes later, I can finally get a comb through my hair, but it’s frizzy and needs to be straightened. Not happening. I pull it back into a messy bun and leave the bathroom.

I look out my bedroom window. The night's inky blackness is beginning to retreat, giving way to the first hints of morning light. No one will be up at this hour, so I could take an early morning walk on the beach. Just me and the waves welcoming the dawn of a new day.

Maybe it’ll make me feel better.

Maybe it’ll make me feel worse.

I honestly don’t care.

I slide on some flip-flops and throw a blousy magenta cotton sundress over my head. Then I sneak out quietly, down the two flights of stairs and out of the mansion, following the path to the beach. Once I hit the sand I look out toward the ocean.

Someone sits close to the waves. It’s a man, and as the darkness continues to lift, I see his hair is blond.

It’s Brett.

Brett, who gave me three orgasms yesterday. What’s he doing up so early?

I should leave him alone. He’s clearly out here for the same reason I am—to be alone with the dawning morning and the gentle waves. Maybe he’s deep in meditation.

Or maybe he hasn’t been to bed at all.

I walk toward him slowly, my toes sinking into the sand and an early morning breeze drifting around my shoulders.

“Brett?” I say, when I’m standing next to him.

He looks up and meets my gaze. “Sienna? What are you doing out here?”

“Taking a walk. Looking for...something. I didn’t sleep well.”

He stands and brushes the sand off his jeans. “I’m sorry. Why couldn’t you sleep?”

I sigh. “Just...stuff.”

He studies me then, clearly taking in my swollen eyes and red nose as bright as Rudolph’s. “Hey. You okay?” He grabs my hand then and helps me sit next to him on the shore. I squish my toes into the sand once more and watch the midnight-blue waves rolling to the coast.

“I’m good.” I let out a scoffing chuckle. “That’s a lie, but you already know that.”

“You’ve been crying.”

I sniffle. “A little.”

“More than a little. It’s not something I did, is it? At our date?”

I lightly feather my fingers over his hand. “Oh, no, Brett. Of course not. I had a terrific time with you. Then I had to get that damned phone call. It messed me up a little.”

“Seb told me you may have to leave. If you do, I hope you’ll come back.”


