Captivating You (How to Marry a Billionaire #2) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74940 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 375(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)

“How is that possible to this day?” Alex asks.

“Because he’s a damned genius. He always thinks things through and takes care of every contingency. He sure did that night.”

“Except for one contingency he didn’t think of.”

I let out a sigh. “Marnie.”

Alex shakes his head slowly. “Like I said. Checkmate. Maybe it’s the writer in me, but I think this whole thing is going to end up being our undoing.”

His words make my neck prickle. “What do you mean by that?”

“I observe,” he says. “To tell a good story I have to look beyond the surface of things and imagine hidden connections to create dimension in a plot and in characters. I have to ask ‘what if?’” He stands and glances up to the night sky. “I failed here. I’m seeing things now that I should have seen before we all agreed to this. I screwed up, Seb.”

I rise and stand next to my friend. Alex and I aren’t touchy-feely, but I grip his shoulder to offer comfort. “This isn’t on you. It’s not on anyone. Not even Brett.”

“I appreciate that, but I should have seen this coming. I’m a storyteller, and in every good story, a character’s past always catches up with him.”

I release Alex’s shoulder and gaze at the stars. They look like diamonds glistening on black velvet, but in truth they’re distant gaseous balls whose light traveled years and years ago so that we can see it now.

So much like our past. It happened years and years ago, but it’s still here and now, beating in our hearts every second. But unlike the starlight that is beautiful and wondrous, our past is haunting and devastating.

Alex is wrong, though. None of this will be our undoing. Not after we’ve lived with it this long.

I have a plan.




I open my eyes and look toward the window in Emily’s bedroom. The absolute darkness of night has softened to a deep blue. Morning twilight, I call it on the ranch. That gorgeous time before dawn when the stars, once sharp and clear, begin to fade, their light dimming as the sun approaches the horizon. At home, I witness this time often, as ranchers are up early to feed and water stock and take care of other business. It’s a beautiful time of aloneness and deep contemplation, the silence marred only by the soft whinnies of awakening horses and the easy lowing of cattle. As the birds rustle and begin their morning song, the barns emerge from the shadows. Their gray hues brighten into burnt sienna as the morning sun hits them.

I’m not on the ranch today, though. This morning, I’m in Emily’s bed, my limbs entangled with hers in her soft cotton sheets. Though I’m not outside to witness dawn here on the island, I can’t say I’m unhappy where I am. I like the feeling of Emily beside me, her breast nestled gently in my hand. My cock is stiff with morning wood, and I absently press it against her thigh.

She stirs a bit, a soft moan emanating from her. It vibrates against me, and for the first time in the last two days, I feel... Well, not peaceful exactly. Not quite calm.


I feel still.

Something about making love to Emily when I returned to her room last night helped me get here, and it wasn’t just getting off. It was being with a woman who seems to get me. Who may seem a harsh businesswoman on the outside, but inside is capable of deep feeling. A woman who’s willing to give when it’s asked of her, and in turn I wanted to give back.

Funny. We have absolutely nothing in common. But earlier, she let me use her body when I needed it. When I came to her later last night, she made it crystal clear that she was done with that, and I didn’t blame her. I don’t fuck for the sake of fucking. I’m not Brett. That man loves fucking more than anyone I know, and he’s followed closely by Seb. Alex and I are a little more discriminating. Usually, anyway. What I did last night with Emily isn’t the norm for me at all.

But lying here, her warm, beautiful body pressed against mine, I can’t bring myself to regret one second of it.

And later, when I returned to her room? That wasn’t us using each other.

That was lovemaking, pure and simple.

Are we in love? No. It’s way too soon for that. But there was an element of emotion between us that hadn’t been there earlier.

And damn...

I like it. It helps.

It helped still me.

She stirs again and this time opens one eye. “You awake?” she asks softly.

“Mmm hmm.” I stroke her hair.

She stretches and then turns in my arms so she’s snuggled against my shoulder. “Why do I feel like I’ve been claimed by a cowboy?”


