Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

Fritz was at the hospital, with round-the-clock protection. All the doctors were checked. No corner was left unturned in the protection of the club.

Dirty sat in church, and Warden sat at the head of the table. Since Colt’s house burning down, Dirty knew there was going to be an update, and they were all just waiting for one. The minutes ticked by.

Rosalie had been so upset. Her home was gone. All the furniture that had been purchased for the baby was gone as well. The memories of her mother gone. She hadn’t kept anything at their old home, and now it was all gone. Dirty didn’t know what to say. He knew she had mourned that day, it was like losing her mother a second time.

He and Colt hadn’t been able to have their women as Petal and Rosalie were consoling one another. They couldn’t get between them. Dirty knew his woman would come to him when she was ready, and he wasn’t wrong. The moment Rosalie was ready, she went to Colt as well. It had only taken a day and a night, and then the two were back where they were meant to be.

Glancing across the table, he saw Colt frowned. His arms were folded. He was pissed. He put a lot of hard work into that house, and they all knew he had finally made plans to be with Rosalie, to build his family there.

They were all going to make sure his home was complete. The Evil Fuckers MC compound project was currently put on hold. They would get that apartment building up, but until they handled the tidal wave of shit, they were not going to lose any more money.

Warden didn’t speak. They all sat in silence.

Dirty thought about Fritz. The club brother had to have been getting close to something to warrant an attack. Men didn’t go out of their way to hurt others unless they had a reason. Fritz was their link, and currently he was still in a coma.

The silence was starting to feel deafening.

“Fritz has the answers,” Warden said, finally speaking up. “What happened to him, I’ve heard of it before. The man goes by Diablo.” He sat up and looked at each of them. “He usually only works for the mafia.”

“If he works for the mafia, what is he doing attacking us?” Colt asked.

Warden looked toward his son. “I believe Daemon had some kind of deal with the mafia, or at the very least, Diablo. Some hit men can’t be controlled, and they take the job with the highest offer.”

“That’s not Daemon,” Myth said. “Come on, if that was the case, he’d have used that bastard to take out Colt, and not some amateur that killed Gabrielle.”

Warden sat back and rubbed his lip. “This is why we need Fritz. He has the key to whatever is going on. He knows why he was attacked. He has the details. There is nothing more I can say or do. He’s the only one. All I know is that Fritz’s torture and Colt’s house are connected.”

“You don’t think they left the stove on?” Vixen asked.

“Fuck you, Vixen,” Colt said.

“None of you like the idea of mafia connections. Fritz could just be bad luck and the Evil Fuckers got lucky, or it’s exactly what we’re about to face. The mafia.”

Dirty looked toward Warden and had a feeling there was something he wasn’t telling them. He wasn’t going to ask him.

Warden was thinking, debating, working out strategy, and then he sat forward again. “If I am right, and Diablo is Fritz’s torturer, that narrows down the people he works for. He’s a lot of money. Some people think of him as more of a ghost. He goes in, gets the job done, and leaves without a trace.”

“Other than a body?” Colt asked. “And a burned-up house?”

“But no one knows it’s him. There is never any evidence, nothing tying it to him or to his bosses. He’s that good.”

“If he’s that good, how come I’ve never heard of him?” Colt said.

Warden looked toward his son. “Because there are some circles that do not mix well, you know this, and stop behaving like a child.”

This always pissed Colt off. It rarely happened where Warden would call him out on his shit, but even he had to admit Colt was being a brat. The man had a reason to be acting that way. His home was gone. All that hard work ended within a few hours.

“Okay, so if we’re to believe this Diablo fucker is the person that hurt Fritz and set fire to Colt’s house, who would he be working for?” Dirty asked, finally speaking up.

He wanted to know the key threat.

Warden sat back, doing that long thinking thing.

“Don Stefano Napoli,” Warden said.

Dirty looked toward Warden and waited for the punch line or the joke. There was nothing. No one was laughing now. Don Stefano Napoli was one of the most feared men in the mafia. He was also one of the youngest Italian bosses ever. Even though he didn’t follow mafia politics, he’d heard stories about the man. He’d never met him. In fact, there were rarely any images of him to see. The man was a mystery, and to many a legend.


