Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

Not moving, I stared at the opened view. “Where. . .”

Lei quirked his brows. “What?”

“Where’s my father’s. . .body?”

“He will be on the next elevator ride and then put into the van.”

“Okay.” I let out a long breath and took the first step. “Thank you, Lei.”

Together, we walked forward.

I couldn’t tell you how we made it to the car or what happened during the journey. I just held onto Lei’s hand and kept stepping. The whole time the handcuffs bumped against my wrist and I focused on that instead of anything else.

When we arrived at the vehicle, Duck opened the door. He stared at me as if wanting to say something. His mouth parted, yet no words left him.

Lei let go of my hand.

Chen began to get in.

“No.” With his uncuffed hand, Lei pointed to the van behind us. “All of you take that one.”

“What?” Chen quirked his brows. “Are you sure?”

Lei sighed. “I need silence.”

Duck frowned. “I want to stay by her side.”


Anger filled Duck’s eyes, but he remained quiet.

“Alright. Duck and I will go, Lei.” Chen moved back from the door. “However, Hu must remain to keep you safe.”

Lei gritted his teeth. “Fine.”

“I’ll ride behind you and make the hotel reservations.” Chen placed his hands in his pockets. “Since we’re discussing the hotel details, what will be Monique’s sleeping arrangements? Do you want her room to be next to yours or Duck can—?”

“She’ll be in my suite.”

Chen cleared his throat. “I can get a two-bedroom suite.”

Lei glared at him. “She’ll be in my bedroom.”

Chen frowned. “Is that because you will still have her handcuffed to you, this evening?”

“That was my thinking.”

Chen rubbed his forehead. “Will you at least be open to alternatives to the handcuffs later?”

Lei checked the handcuffs as if he were worried they had fallen off. “Maybe.”

“I can work with that. See you at the hotel.” Chen nodded and left.

Duck followed.

Another man went to the front and got in the passenger seat. That must’ve been Hu. He had a gun that looked like it was covered in tiger stripes.

I chose that moment to climb in.

Lei entered after that and sat next to me.

One of his men shut the door.

The driver sped off.

I gazed down at my bloody pajama shirt and jeans. I didn’t think I could ever see Cookie Monster again and not cry.

This fucking day. I mean. . .really. . .

My phone buzzed.

I took it out and checked. Jo’s name glowed on the screen. I didn’t answer. If I spoke to her, I would confess Dad’s death. I wasn’t ready to say that out loud and I didn’t want to ruin my sisters’ already hectic day.

I’ll tell them tomorrow. There’s no need to hurry.

The phone buzzed again.

Lei checked it. “Who’s that?”

“My sister.”

The phone stopped buzzing.

Then a text appeared.

I read it.

Jo: Girl, Aunt Betty is on a cruise with some new, young boyfriend. She’s a cougar!

A hint of smile came to me as I typed back.

Me: Did you grab the key from under the pot and let yourself in?

Jo: No need. Banks was here.

I sighed in relief.

More texts rushed in.

Jo: Now Banks is making his nasty ass macaroni and cheese with tuna fish.

Jo: Chloe is trying to convince him to get chicken.

Jo: Banks said he couldn’t. He has some chick he has to guard tonight.

I typed.

Me: How is TT?

Jo: She’s excited to be so close to Dream Lake.

Jo: She thinks we’ll be going treasure hunting this week.

I brightened thinking of TT’s hope. She was always this beacon of light during the roughest times.

Sighing, I typed back.

Me: Please, tell TT that I will personally take her to Dream Lake when I get there.

Jo: When will that be? What’s up with Dutch and Snow?

The image of their dead bodies came to me.

I swallowed down my anxiety and texted.

Me: Everything is solved and good. No worries.

Jo: Then, should we come back home tonight?

The very idea—of walking into my apartment with the broken door from Snow and Dutch and all the photos of my parents’ smiling faces covering the walls—broke me.

I had to stable myself for a few seconds, before responding.

Me: No.

I stared at the phone not sure what else I could say to her. I was certain Jo was confused as fuck by my texts.

I’ve got to be strong for my sisters. Why would I think I could just jump off the balcony and escape?

I sent my final text.

Me: We’ll talk more in the morning. I love you.

I put the phone up. It buzzed several times, but I didn’t want to look at it. Jo would want answers that I didn’t have.

I’d never considered myself a suicidal person. But that moment on the balcony came when I had tried to race to death.

Somebody would have walked up to my dead, smashed body on the street. I would have mentally harmed so many people.


