Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

Anyone that got in between my getting revenge for Chanel’s death would die.

Monique is some sort of puzzle piece.

To think that my father putting the locket around her neck was a coincidence, would be to not know him at all. Every move my father made was tactical or drenched in some deep Godly belief or sense of loyalty. He didn’t know how to live any other way.

Where does Monique fit in this?

With each step, she looked at my men and hugged the briefcase against her chest.

A hint of a smile came to my face.

She still thinks she’s going to have to give these assholes that money.

I didn’t know much about the problem she’d been involved with. The main details pointed to her father stealing money and these two jerk-offs threatening her sisters and her with prostitution.

Unfortunately, I was my father’s son.

Just from hearing her story, I wouldn’t let those vile men live another day. And if I wouldn’t, then my father wouldn’t either.

Hopefully, the money helps her. If I know Dad, he intended for her to only spend it.

There was no way he would help get these guys money, no matter that her dad stole it.

As if hearing my thoughts, Chen kept his voice low. “I think Uncle Leo plans to kill those two guys.”

I felt the truth of that fact deep inside of my heart.

I nodded. “That’s his next move.”

That meant that this would be a race between my father and me.

Who can kill Dutch and Snow first?

Nervous, Monique maintained Duck’s pace. She moved her focus all over my people and even me—probably assessing and counting, gauging and calculating.

I shook my head. “But why did Father choose her? He wouldn’t have known her story, until she started talking to him.”

“Maybe, it’s because she’s beautiful.”

That made sense. Of course, Monique was a gorgeous woman. No one could ever deny it. The fact that her head was bald made her beauty stand out a thousand times more.

If she had hair, it might’ve distracted me from those big almond shaped eyes or those lovely high cheekbones and even those lips—puckered and full.


I turned away and realized that Chen had been talking to me the whole time. “What?”

Chen quirked his brows. “I said that this Monique may be the key to tracking Uncle Leo from now on.”

I placed my hands in my pockets. With my left hand, I grabbed the blood-stained cloth. “He picked her for some last mission.”

“I agree.”

With my right hand, I touched the cross in my pocket, but didn’t grab it. “And he wants me to see what he’s going to do.”

“That’s why he put the locket on her neck. She’ll lead us through his performances.”

“It’s his show and we’re the audience.”

Fear entered Chen’s eyes. “But will he continue the whole seven deadly sins thing here in Glory?”

“I doubt it. I think he’s found a new mission.”

Duck’s whistle came next.

A sweet feminine scent filled the air.

I turned that way.

Monique stood next to me, too close for my senses. Her fragrance was alarming. And so close, that bald head made her seem naked. Exposed and bare to me. I almost reached out to touch the smooth brown skin.

Duck gestured for her to get inside.

Nervous, she glanced my way for a quick second and then climbed in.

I turned to Duck. “Thoughts on her?”

“She’s not in our world.” He put his knife up. “No criminal bone in her body.”

Nodding, I entered and got in the row behind Monique, wanting to observe her more.

Perhaps, he grabbed her due to the bald head. No. That doesn’t make sense.

Still, it was hard not to take my eyes off her. A woman with no hair was rare, especially in the East of Paradise. I could count on my fingers the number of girls I personally saw with bald heads.

Oddly, I found that I was attracted to the head’s nakedness. It was aesthetically appealing to gaze upon the smooth contours and imagine my fingers slipping along soft skin.

I could understand why my father would want to have lunch with her as he enjoyed his favorite dishes. She was exotic and wondrous to look at. Visual candy to feast on and never be satiated.

Guilt at enjoying her gorgeousness entered my broken heart.

I moved my view to the window.

There’s more to it than her beauty. What else was his plan?

My father loved my mother and was devoted to her all of his life. And all my years, I had never seen him look at another woman with any form of carnal interest. Even after my mother died, he basically became a monk, going within himself and only seeking the comfort of God.

Perhaps, that was where I got my ideas of devotion and sexual discipline from.

My father didn’t have lunch with her because she was gorgeous, God told him to. But why? What is this new mission now?


