Zane and Tanya – Hot Alpha Alien Husbands Read online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 134725 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

“I’m sorry you’ve spent all this time worried about that, Tanya. I just wanted us to get to know one another first. You know I never intended to just drag you away from the event like that. You know I was overcome with everything. And then I get you here and almost lost you and…fuck.”

I looked up at him.

“I’m so sorry for not being upfront with you, Zane. So, sorry. I figured you had to know. And then when I knew you didn’t… I just… I wanted it to be real, not out of pity.”

He stared at me, eyes roving my face.

My heart pounded so hard and I was shaking with all of the emotion, the relief, but also that fear that I’d screwed this up.

“Tanya,” he touched my face. “Sweet little Tanya.”

I closed my eyes and more tears rolled. He kissed my lips softly.

“I also just found out after nearly losing you, that my twin brother, a man I thought was dead the last five years isn’t dead and was part of the crew that tried to take you. They’ve got the two women from your ship. I’ve been trying to wrap my brain around that, too.”

My eyes opened. “Oh, Zane.”

He let out a big sigh.

“I’m so sorry,” I said.

He shook his head. “It’s been just days, still in countable hours since we met.”

“Sixty-six. Or something like that…” I added.

He smiled a sympathetic smile. “No wonder you’ve been counting. I was already fighting the urge to fuck you. Not just because I wanted you, not just because I’ve been celibate for all this time, but because for the first time, I’ve met someone and seen them as a potential lifelong mate.”

His eyes dropped to my mouth and he licked his lips. I wasn’t sure if he was about to say something else or kiss me again, but then Ollie burst in talking a mile a minute.

“Daddo! Tanya! Please, will you try the rubyfruit and razzleberry jam please, Tanya? We picked the rubyfruits and mixed them with the razzles at Uncle Brynn’s because we didn’t have enough for jam because I ate so many, and I made it at Uncle Brynn’s and I couldn’t wait for you to try some, but I forgot and… try some!”

“Ollie, manners. It’s important that now that Tanya is here, you always, always knock and wait for an invitation before entering a room with a closed door.”

“Sorry, Daddo. Are you okay, Tanya?” Ollie was still going a mile a minute.

He had a plate in his hand filled with those lattice-like things I’d eaten my first night here. They were covered in black globs of something. It didn’t look all that appetizing, actually.

One look at his hopeful little face and I couldn’t resist any request he’d have.

“I’m good, sweetie pie. Of course, I can’t wait to try it.” I smiled and lifted the cracker or whatever it was and popped it in my mouth. It was delicious. And there was that warmth in my throat again from the razzleberries.

“You made this?” I asked, rubbing my throat.

Ollie nodded with pride and leaned over and held the platter under Zane’s nose.

“Try it, Daddo.” He lifted it and held it up to Zane’s face.

Zane opened his mouth and Ollie unceremoniously shoved the cracker in with a big smile on his face.

“Another one, Tanya?” Ollie held tray out.

“Sure. This is really good, sweetie.” I accepted one.

“One more,” Ollie said with a grin to his father.

Zane took the cracker and popped it in his mouth.

“Can I play then sleep at Granddad’s?” Ollie asked.

“Is Granddad busy?”

“Nope. I just talked to him. He said to come on over. Daylin and Marko are coming and if I can bring that machine and dancing mat, we’re going to play and then watch an Earth movie. About a magical carpet and a wish-granting animal, I think. And lose ourselves to dance. And we’re all going to have a camp out on Granddad’s roof.”

“A genie,” I corrected. I’d told him about it the day before. “You’ll love it.”

“Maybe we can all go watch it,” Zane suggested.

“No!” Ollie shouted, panicked. “You two get to know one another some more.” He stared, meaningfully, at his father.

I pursed my lips to hide my grin. The little matchmaker.

“Fine. I’ll walk you over,” Zane told him.

“Just watch me walk. I’m a big boy; I can do it myself.”

“Okay son,” Zane replied, voice laced with humor.

Ollie hopped up into my lap and as I was already in his father’s, it was a group hug.

“Group hug!” I called out enthusiastically, wrapping one arm around Ollie and the other around Zane.

They both laughed.

“Group hug. I like that,” Zane said.

“Me, too. Family hug,” Ollie amended with his eyebrows up and his eyes on his father hopefully.

Zane smiled, shaking his head at his son.

I poked Ollie in the nose. “Boop. You’re a little monkey, aren’t you?” I then squeezed him and kissed his forehead.


