Willing (The Un #1) Read Online Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires, Virgin Tags Authors: , Series: The Un Series by Izzy Sweet

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 126570 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 633(@200wpm)___ 506(@250wpm)___ 422(@300wpm)

Behind my ribs, there’s a sensation of something snapping into place.

And my sight returns.

At first, all I can see is his green eyes blazing up at me, filled with fiery rage.

He wants to kill me, I think to myself.

It should be a huge turnoff. It should cause my arousal to shrivel up into nothing. But it doesn’t. For whatever reason, it only further excites me.

Asher’s eyes widen ever so slightly in surprise and his nostrils flare. “Chloe?”

Pressing my knees down into the bed, I push up then slam down on him, the flesh of my ass smacking against his thighs.

The crown of his cock bumps against the entrance of my womb and my legs tremble with the force of my impending orgasm.

“Fuck,” Asher rasps.

The fury in his eyes melting into molten desire as I grind against him, rubbing my clit against his pubic bone.

It’s not enough though. My clit is pulsing, pushing me closer to relief, but there’s a spot buried inside me that’s aching for more.

When I push up on my knees again, Asher’s fingers loosen around my throat and he relaxes beneath me. “Yes, that’s it, love. Take what you need.”

I slam down again, doing my damnedest to take all of him. He’s so big and thick, though, I’m struggling.

“That’s a good angel,” Asher purrs. “Take me deep inside that tight little pussy.”

When I push up again, determined to take him harder and deeper, his fingers find my clit.

I freeze in place, squeezing my eyes shut in blissful agony. It feels good… so fucking good.

The way he knows just how to rub and press against the little bundle of pulsing nerves threatens to completely undo me.

But I crave something bigger…

Something more fulfilling.

Letting my weight drop, I take his hand down with me. His fingers continue to work me over, not missing a beat.

“You take my cock so good, Chloe,” Asher groans. “So fucking good, kitten. Your little pussy was made for me. Wasn’t it?”

I’d answer him if I had the breath, but I don’t. There’s no air to be had where I am. There’s only raw animal need.

It’s not your need, my brain tries to warn me. You should stop. You should demand to know why this is happening.

But I don’t care at this point. It didn’t start as my need, but it’s mine now.

I claim it, I own it, and I plan to see it through to the end.

Shoving up, I drop down and impale myself on Asher’s cock. Relishing the slight sting and burn of my walls stretching around his thickness.

“Yes, beautiful, that’s it,” Asher says as his big fingers continue to play with my clit. “You’re doing so good. Don’t stop. I know you can do it. Take every inch I have to give.”

I’m so drenched I can feel my desire soaking my thighs and his hand.

Ecstasy is close, teasing me with promise, and I could probably just stay like this and achieve it.

Asher’s fingertips press harder, circling faster, and drive me closer to oblivion.

But he told me not to stop. That I’m doing so good… and I want to please him.

A little needy whimper slips from my lips as my legs tremble around him with weakness.

One more push up.

All I need is one more push up and I can have everything I’ve ever wanted.

Gathering every ounce of strength I have left, I dig my knees into the mattress and rise. My pussy squeezing around him and dragging up his length.

Reaching the crown of his cock, I suck in a sharp breath, and close my eyes like I’m going to jump off a cliff.

Then I let go, giving myself over to gravity.

Falling back down, his cock drives into the very core of me.

Spreading me. Filling me.

When my ass crashes into his thighs, Asher’s fingers pinch my clit, ripping my orgasm out with a scream.

My nails claw at his chest, adding to the deep grooves I created earlier when I was completely mindless.

Words of adoration, of praise and love, pour from Asher’s mouth as I writhe and tremble on top of him. I hear them, but I don’t understand them.

Lost in the liquid bliss.

There’s so much of it, I swear it’s gushing out of me and all over him.

Uncaring if I’m still trapped in my throes or not, Asher grabs me by the hips and flips me onto my back.

Shoving my right knee up until it’s nearly touching my breast, he slams into me. “Fuck, I missed you.”

Spine arching, my nails dig deeper into his chest as I struggle to handle the intense jolt of pleasure he just drove into me.

My fluttering pussy confused by the sudden change.

Pulling back slowly, Asher growls and drops his chin. “You have no idea how much misery you put me through, Chloe. No fucking idea.”

He holds himself just inside my entrance, panting down at me.


