Wicked and Bound – Soldiers for Hire Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 63082 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 315(@200wpm)___ 252(@250wpm)___ 210(@300wpm)

Nash gritted his teeth. He fucking hated it, but Hunter was right. “Yeah, yeah.”

“I’ll pretend that wasn’t completely insubordinate. Keep your head down. Stay alert. I’ll be in touch.”

The call ended. Nash shoved the phone into his pocket with a growl, his thoughts racing. By the weekend, this nightmare might be over. But until then, he had to lie to the woman he loved. After promising no more secrets between them.

Fucking feds.

Haisley rose and crossed to him on silent feet. “Everything okay?”

“Just business.” He forced himself to spit out the lie. “Nothing to worry about.”

Doubt flickered across her face, but she nodded. Her faith in him twisted the knife deeper.

He pulled her into his arms, and she came willingly, fitting against him like she’d been made just for him. Her familiar musky vanilla scent wrapped around him. For a moment, he could almost forget where they were. Almost.

But reality was a cold bastard. In a few days, this place would become a war zone. The Velvet Cove would defend itself. Bullets would fly. Blood would be spilled. He pictured her alone in their suite while he was across the compound at the auction. Pictured armed guards breaking down their door. Pictured her being dragged away, used as leverage. His arms tightened around her.

And what if she was pregnant again? The timing, their lack of protection, the frequency and urgency of their encounters lately… He placed a hand across her belly protectively. He’d rather die than lose another baby.

“Everything okay?” Worry tinged her voice. “You’re shaking.”

He buried his face in her hair, breathing her in. Outside their window, the sun turned the Caribbean water a bright glittering blue, but the beauty was a lie, just like everything about this place.

Everything except Haisley, except the love between them.

And in a handful of days, he’d either get her safely home or die trying. He just prayed they survived…and she forgave him for harboring this one last secret.

When Dr. Haynes bustled into their suite that Friday morning, her smile glinted like a scalpel. “Time for this week’s test, dear. Hold out your arm.”

Haisley’s stomach churned as she perched on the edge of the sofa. She’d been dreading this moment all week, since realizing her last period had been in late December. She and Nash hadn’t been at all careful. They couldn’t be, given their circumstances.

And the last time she’d missed her monthly…

Shoving the thought aside, Haisley’s gaze darted to Nash. His face gave away nothing. Her stomach churned nervously.

Something had been different about him since Monday. More phone calls. More early morning runs with Kane that left him tense and distracted. When she’d asked what was wrong, he had brushed off her concerns with a casual “nothing.” But she knew better. After two weeks of watching him, she recognized the signs.

Something was going on…and he wasn’t telling her.

Trembling, she extended her arm.

“You seem nervous.” Dr. Haynes’s eyes gleamed as she prepared the needle. “But I’m told, Mr. King, that your recent diligence to the process has been quite admirable. I think the word I heard was vigorous. Much better than your initial…hesitation.”

Nash lounged in a nearby chair, the picture of casual dominance. But Haisley caught the tension in his jaw and the slight narrowing of his eyes that betrayed his hatred for this woman.

“I’m getting what I paid for,” he drawled. “And I’m enjoying it.”

The needle slid home. Haisley flinched, heart thundering, as she watched her blood fill the vial. Her skin felt clammy. Her stomach roiled. Please, not here. Not now. Not in this place where they sold people like commodities…

Once the tube was full, Dr. Haynes inserted the sample into her handheld device with an air of smug satisfaction. Seconds crawled by like hours. Haisley held her breath. She didn’t know what to wish for. Getting pregnant here would be terrifying. Dangerous. But a positive test was her ticket home. On the other hand, the opportunity to start a family with Nash. During her two lonely years in California, she’d wanted nothing more…

Finally, the doctor’s smile widened. “Congratulations, Mr. King. Your investment—and your efforts—have paid off. She’s pregnant.”

The words hit Haisley square in the chest. A storm of emotions crashed through her—terror, wonder, hope, dread. Her vision blurred as memories crashed over her of her last positive test, the terrifying solitude, the devastating loss. Now here she was again, carrying Nash’s child. And instead of loneliness and fear, she was battling uncertainty and danger. Her hands flew protectively to her stomach as tears pricked her eyes.

“Given last week’s negative test,” the doctor began, “I’m guessing conception took place in the last seven to twelve days. If you carry the baby to term, she’ll be delivering in October.”

Haisley scanned her memory. She’d broken down and told Nash about her miscarriage eleven days ago. They’d made love with their bodies—and hearts—that night. From the ashes of that confession had risen another child, another chance at their future.


