Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 63082 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 315(@200wpm)___ 252(@250wpm)___ 210(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 63082 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 315(@200wpm)___ 252(@250wpm)___ 210(@300wpm)
He nodded, his expression so intense it stole her breath. As if in this moment nothing and no one else existed in his world but her. “No going back.”
“Ever.” The promise fell from her lips as he covered her body with his. She welcomed his weight, his heat, his strength. Here, now, only Nash existed. Only their love mattered.
“I’m all yours,” she whispered, meaning those words with every fiber of her being.
Need twisted his expression before he captured her lips in another dizzying kiss. Her heart revved. Their breaths mingled as they exchanged another glance full of unspoken feelings. Then his eyes darkened and he made his way down her body, his mouth lingering at her breasts, nipping and sucking her swollen tips.
Sensation flowed over her like warm honey as she arched to be closer to him, whimpering for more when her nipples became tight and sensitive. Back and forth he dipped from one breast to the other until her ache grew unbearable. She shifted restlessly beneath him.
“Patience,” he muttered against her skin as a smile tugged at his lips.
He’d always loved reducing her to a beseeching puddle of aroused female. But today wasn’t strictly about pleasure, but connection. About beginning their tomorrows…as many as fate allowed them.
“Haven’t we waited long enough?” she murmured as she spread her legs beneath him.
Nash’s eyes turned black as he made his way up her body wordlessly and pressed another reverent kiss across her lips. Then he wrapped possessive hands around her hips and tunneled his way inside her gently but insistently.
Haisley wrapped her arms around him with a gasp, absorbing the bliss and naked honesty in their joining.
Slowly, he pressed in, then eased back, over and over, inching deeper each time. As insistent as he seemed to bury himself inside her, he seemed equally determined to make their lovemaking last forever.
Finally, he slid home completely, something between a groan and a growl falling from his lips. “Baby…”
She welcomed him with a fluttering sigh. The sight, the sensations, the purity of the moment made her head swim and her heart swoon.
He finally inched back and drove deep again in slow, smooth strokes. God, she’d never felt anything like this—her heart linking up with her body to produce a dizzying sensation. It was heady, euphoric, swoonworthy.
This was more than mere sex. They were making honest, pure-hearted love—maybe for the first time. Haisley clung to the moment, committing it to memory as she gave herself over.
Desire soared. Need climbed and clawed until she craved the ecstasy he heaped on her. As the power and pace of his thrusts picked up, his stare never wavered. She fell into his eyes as he gave his all to her body.
They rocked together. He grabbed her hands, lacing their fingers together above her head. Time seemingly stood still, as if the universe knew this act, spurred on by their two hearts beating as one, was sacred.
Danger still lurked, but Haisley committed to this moment with him. She lost herself in their shared pleasure, in the promise of the future she hoped they had the chance to share.
Nash filled her in every way—his hard shoulders under her nails, his manly scent in her nose, his salty taste against her lips. Their stares fastened and fused. He began chanting her name.
Pleasure spiraled up, spinning her toward a whirlwind of bliss like nothing she’d ever felt. Her heartbeat surged, pounding in her ears like the quickening beat of a primal drum.
He rocked against her, shuttling in and out, filling her with slow, powerful strokes. Blood raced. Bliss gathered. Everything in her life seemed to narrow to this moment where there was only him and her and their love.
Her body tightened as her climax coiled. She drowned in his stare, biting her lip to stop herself from crying out his name.
“Come for me, baby,” he gasped, his voice a desperate growl.
“Come with me,” she begged as the electricity in the room flickered.
“Fuck. Yes.” The rasp came from deep in his chest as the power surged on again. “I can’t stop it.”
She couldn’t, either. Her every sense reduced to him, her entire being alive and breathing for this man alone. The ecstasy wrenched her sensations into more than the culmination of pleasure. It exploded, and the wave of rapture took her heart with it into something beyond orgasm. Nothing mattered except him and the love they shared. This moment and this man had changed her life forever.
And as he shouted her name, erupting inside her, the power flickered off again, plunging them into darkness.
As thunder boomed outside their window, Nash held Haisley, savoring the cataclysmic satisfaction of their lovemaking. She felt so right in his arms, as if she’d been made to fit there.
The power cutting out left them in near darkness, save for occasional flashes of lightning that illuminated her beautiful, tearstained face. She’d cried after her climax, and he’d held her tight. No, she still hadn’t told him her secret, but she was going to. He’d seen that in her face, felt it in her touch. Somehow, the last wall between him and her heart had fallen, and he wished like hell they were anywhere else so he could hear what had been weighing on her. So he could finally understand what had torn them apart.