Wicked and Bound – Soldiers for Hire Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 63082 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 315(@200wpm)___ 252(@250wpm)___ 210(@300wpm)

But soon, the skin-to-skin contact, his heavy breaths on her neck, and the friction against her most sensitive spots took its toll on her resistance. Her body, long ago conditioned to respond to him, took over. Her head told her the physiological response to his stimulation was as unavoidable as it was predictable. But it alarmed her. Confused her.

She fought, but the primitive, primal part of her brain took over. She found herself closing her eyes, moving with him, hips jerking to meet his strokes as her fear fell away.

He took her lips with a passion that stole her breath. Fire lit her blood. Her skin stretched tight, felt almost too sensitive as his free hand beneath the sheet turned gentle and caressed her.

Her breathing turned shallow. She let out another mewled “Please…” but this one wasn’t a plea for mercy; it was a plea for more.

He lifted his head from her neck and met her stare. The softness there… The arousal and the need? They connected her to him instantly.

Nash was inside Jasper King, begging for understanding and absolution—and slowly heaping an inexorably climbing pleasure on her.

“Feel me?” he growled as he dipped his hips and prodded her swollen clit again.

She couldn’t help but nod, her breaths rapid and uneven.

“You going to come for me?”

Was she?

Her brain shied away. She shook her head.

But her body had different ideas.

“No?” He prodded between her legs again. “You sure? That’s not what your face is telling me, baby.”

God, he’d always been so good at bending her desire to his will. It was as if he alone had the secret combination to her body.

And her heart.

Time lost meaning as he continued to grind against her, unerringly hitting that one spot that began unraveling her. As she turned wet and more desperate, he got harder—and more insistent.

“Mine,” he breathed in her ear. “All mine. Always mine.”

He gyrated against her again, slow and calculated—and fatal to her defenses. She gave herself over, unconsciously spreading her legs wider, pressing kisses up his strong neck, and aching to be closer to him.

“Look at you melting for me. That’s it…”

Nash was right; she was submitting. Clinging, even. Despite everything that had happened on this island, some part of her felt safe with him. It demanded her surrender and had her racing headlong toward orgasm.

Heat rose. Need chased it, pulling her body taut. Desire flooded her veins like the most addicting drug.

“More…” Her pleading little wail slipped out as she lifted her hips to him.

“You like me between your legs?”

Haisley didn’t stop to think, merely nodded.

He fisted her hair and tugged, forcing her to look at him. “Say it out loud. Tell me.”

“Yes,” she gasped as their stares met, his dark with need. “Yes…”

“Fuck,” he snarled in her ear as he paused to align his crest with her empty opening. “You want more? Tell me, baby. I’ll give you more.”

He was asking her permission. Unlike that night on the stage, he wasn’t simply taking her. He wanted her to want him. His eyes were begging.

Haisley wriggled against him, trying to join them together. Unless he filled her, she felt as if she’d fall apart. “Yes! Now.”

“Such a good fucking girl. Take every inch of me,” he commanded as he pushed inside her with a groan. “Yes, baby…”

She couldn’t fit all of him, not in a single thrust. But they moved together, driven by the need to not merely join but to connect. He couldn’t hide his clawing need to be one with her any more than she could deny the yearning firing her blood to feel him deep. His expression—like he’d die without her—sent her desire spiraling to a euphoric place where she could only feel him, could only taste his passion, could only smell his lust, could only hear his ragged demands mingling with her pounding heartbeats.

Everything between them dwindled to this moment where all she knew was Nash and the insane ecstasy straining for freedom inside her, about to rip off its chain.

“Oh, my god!” She flailed, frantic to get her arms around him, to pull him close. “I’m… I’m⁠—”

“Going to come? Fuck.” He pummeled his way inside her again. “Fuck. Yes… Yes! Do it. Now!”

Haisley couldn’t have stopped the orgasm from sweeping over her if she tried. The sensations converged between her legs, then burst, pulsing the drugging opium of ecstasy through her body. It ricocheted from her fingers and toes back to her pussy, which throbbed and contracted and lit up with the kind of pleasure that not only had her screaming her throat hoarse, but dismantled every bit of the facade she’d constructed since she’d been forced to the island.

As Haisley’s orgasm subsided, it wasn’t a blissful glow that took its place. Under Nash’s shuddering, growling body was the rawest form of Haisley. No defenses. No pretenses. No way to stop the gush of tears as he let go and exploded inside her.


