Wicked and Bound – Soldiers for Hire Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 63082 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 315(@200wpm)___ 252(@250wpm)___ 210(@300wpm)

For now, though, he’d take this moment. This tiny victory. This glimpse of his Haisley underneath all the fear and pain. Then he’d try to repair their connection into something truly unbreakable and lasting.

Because losing her forever would destroy him.

The next morning, Nash woke to pale sunlight and the warmth of Haisley’s body against his. Her delicious vanilla-musky scent filled his nose. He glanced down and drank in her fiery hair spilling across his chest. Somewhere in the night, she’d tangled herself around him—leg hooked over his thigh, head tucked under his chin, fingers curled around his ribs. The feel of her splayed against him made him hard as fuck, even as it stirred his heart.

He’d give anything to lose himself in the moment and forget they were living this nightmare. To roll her to her back, kiss her awake, and heap pleasure on her. To worship her body and show her with every touch how much she meant to him until she screamed in ecstasy.

Not happening.

At least she’d sought him in her sleep. After the movie they’d shared last night, it felt like a step in the right direction. But there was no telling what her mood would be when she opened her eyes.

He shoved that worry aside and tightened his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her crown. His body ached to explore her soft curves. She wasn’t ready yet, but he couldn’t give her much longer. Gray and his minions would get suspicious if he didn’t avail himself of his “prize” soon.

Nash would rather not touch her again until she came to him willingly…but he might not get that choice.

Sighing, he eased from her embrace and dressed. She made a small sound of protest, but he had work to do. Kane was waiting for him.

They had plans to make.

As he stepped out of the building, the humid Caribbean breeze blew in with the morning air. Kane was already waiting on the beach, his morning run providing the cover. Nash fell into step beside him, matching his pace.

“Tell me you have something,” Nash said under his breath.

“I think so. East side of the island. Supply dock in a shallow bay. Boats come and go at all hours, usually under cover of darkness. Security is lighter there. They’re more focused on the main dock where guests arrive.”

“Sounds promising. Timeline?”

“Give me a day or two to scout it properly.” Kane’s voice dropped further as a guard patrolled the area on his rounds. “By the way, you’ve got an appointment at the spa at nine. New hairdresser. Hunter’s contact.”

The bosses worked fast. “Got any other information? Background?”

“Karliah Dane is one of the best. Former CIA field operative, specialized in deep cover work. Did three years undercover breaking up trafficking rings in Eastern Europe. Two years with Interpol’s organized crime unit. She’s young, but her record is impressive.”

“Sounds solid. Let me know later how it went.”

Nash nodded. “You got it. Any other developments?”

“Nothing concrete. I’ve made, um…contact with Mr. Gray’s secretary, Lia.”

Despite the grim situation, Nash smiled. “Translation: you’re seducing information from her?”

Kane winced. “I’m trying to coax her in other ways.”

“You’ve never been shy. Is she a grandma? A lesbian? A troll?”

“No. Normally, I’d be…all in, if you get my drift. But Gracelyn…”

Nash nodded in understanding. “You caught feelings?”

“It started out as a fun fling. But it’s turned into…more. Since it’s still early days, I don’t know what exactly yet, but…yeah. I’m into her. She’s not just hot, but she’s sweet. Kind. And I love me some dimples.”

Stoic lone-wolf Kane Preston shot by Cupid’s arrow? “I get it, man. Sometimes, you just fall when you least expect it.”

His fellow operative glanced out at the water like he was a million miles in the past. “It’s been a long time, but yeah.”

“All you can do is your best. But you can’t compromise the mission.”

Kane’s long sigh said he’d already come to that conclusion. “Same goes for you. I’ll reach out if I learn anything useful.”

With that, Kane was gone.

Nash returned to the suite, ordered coffee and breakfast, then showered. Haisley was still sleeping when he stepped out for his spa appointment. Time to meet their inside help. He hoped Karliah had new intel because this mission wasn’t proceeding fast enough for his peace of mind.

When he strolled in, the spa gleamed with marble and chrome, all luxury masking its darker side.

A stunning blonde approached, her smile professional but her green eyes sharp. “Mr. King?”

“That’s me.”

“I’m Karliah. It will be my pleasure to take care of you today.” Her voice carried a hint of flirtation.

Nash played his part, raking his stare down her figure. “Lucky me. How long have you worked here?”

“I’ve been doing hair for years, but I just got to the island yesterday.” As she led him to the shampoo bowl, she chatted as if innocuously passing the time. “I’ve already met a lot of interesting people! Everyone has such exciting stories.” Her fingers worked his scalp, and it was clear that, even if she was an operative, she’d had decent training with hair. “I’ve already heard whispers about a special visitor in the next week or two. I can’t wait to find out more.”


