Wicked and Bound – Soldiers for Hire Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 63082 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 315(@200wpm)___ 252(@250wpm)___ 210(@300wpm)

Matt pulled Madison closer, wrapping his jacket around his wife’s shoulders. She sniffed as she wiped her eyes. “My friend Genie Westbrook is good for whatever else we require—money, contacts, help in the administration. She’s got connections everywhere in DC. And I’m liquidating everything I inherited from Todd. Might as well put that bastard’s dirty money to good use. Matt and I both want to help get Haisley back.”

Nash’s throat tightened. These people—this family—were moving heaven and earth to help him save Haisley.

He turned to his brother. “Show them.”

Trees hesitated, sending Nash a worried glance. While he appreciated his older brother’s protectiveness, they didn’t have time for anyone to coddle him. The team had to understand what they were facing.

“Please,” he implored his older brother. “I’m good. I swear.”

Sighing, Trees pulled up the Rugs Direct website, projecting the image on the big screen. “They listed her three hours ago.”

The photo filled the screen. Haisley, stripped of everything but her dignity. Madison choked back a sob, turning her face into Matt’s chest. He whispered something in her ear, his own face tight with rage.

“Jesus Christ,” One-Mile breathed.

“Those sons of bitches,” Zy snarled while Kane’s face went deadly cold.

Even Joaquin, usually unflappable, swore violently in Spanish.

“I traced the IP address,” Trees continued, redirecting everyone’s focus to action rather than emotion. The usual jokes and banter that marked their team meetings were conspicuously absent, replaced by a tension that crackled with the electricity of a lightning storm. “They’re bouncing it through servers all over the world. Took me a while, but I finally found a pattern. Everything routes through the Caribbean eventually. I’ve narrowed it to a cluster of private islands somewhere between Cuba and the Caymans.”

“Show me,” Kane demanded, already on his feet.

While Trees pulled up a topographical map of the area, Hunter turned to Nash. “The background Stone and I are creating for Jasper is solid. Import-export business, specializing in Middle Eastern textiles. You’ve got the capital and connections to be believable. The kind of man who could afford their ‘merchandise.’ To shore up your background, Stone even included a past with a shady flesh peddler from Turkey the CIA took out a few years back.”

Nash’s stomach turned.

“I’m going with you,” Ethan announced. “As your business partner and a fellow participant. If we can rescue more women, we should.”

“I’m coming along.” Kane’s eyes never left the map. “A man with your cover persona would have personal security.”

Matt stepped forward. “I’m signing on, too. I’ll⁠—”

“No.” Nash’s voice was firm. “Stay here. Take care of Madison. Take care of…” He gestured vaguely at her still-flat stomach. “Your family.”

Understanding crossed Matt’s face. He didn’t like it, but he nodded.

“We’ve got a short window to get Nash’s cover established before they start vetting participants and auction opens,” Trees said. “Can we get it done?”

“Stone is creating a digital footprint that goes back five years. High-end purchases, exclusive clubs, private air travel. The kind of man who’d shop on this site. It’ll be tight.”

“I’ll help him finish the job with enough real details to give your story a ring of authenticity and help you maintain cover.”

“Money is being wired now,” Logan added. “Untraceable. More than enough to make you a serious player.”

“What’s our timeline?” One-Mile asked.

“The auction closes at midnight on Friday. That’s six days away.” Trees’s jaw clenched. “The money has to be wired within twenty-four hours. If the ‘winners’ didn’t attend in person, they have another forty-eight hours to get to the island and claim their ‘prize.’”

Nash gripped the arms of his chair until his knuckles went white. The thought of anyone else “winning” Haisley…

“This operation… It’s one of the biggest we’ve ever undertaken. More sophisticated than the Tierra Caliente cartel we took down a few years back. These people have serious resources and connections to the highest echelons. But we’re getting her back,” Hunter vowed quietly. “All of you, work your contacts. Anyone who might have heard anything about these islands. Nash, you and Trees need to memorize every detail of Jasper’s background. Kane, Ethan—same for the covers Stone and Trees will create for you. One mistake and they’ll kill you all.”

Nash barely heard whatever else the bosses said. His eyes were locked on Haisley’s photo. On the fear she was trying so hard to hide.

Hold on, baby. I’m coming for you.

And God help anyone who tried to stop him.

At exactly nine p.m. six days after Trees discovered Haisley online, Nash stared at his laptop screen, struggling to tamp down anxiety. The auction site’s interface looked deceptively ordinary—clean lines, professional design. Like any high-end retail website. Except these sick bastards were selling women.

Six days of preparation, of memorizing his cover, of worrying that something horrific could—or had—befallen Haisley in captivity, of watching that countdown timer tick away…and knowing a million things could go wrong. That he might lose her forever.


