When We Burn (The Blackwells of Montana #1) Read Online Kristen Proby

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Blackwells of Montana Series by Kristen Proby

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 102016 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 510(@200wpm)___ 408(@250wpm)___ 340(@300wpm)

But, here we are. It’s not even a dream. It’s real.

Bridger seems to be content with the safety situation, and I have to admit, people are so happy to be here, there really hasn’t been anything bad happening, that I’ve seen anyway. If there has been an incident, it was handled quickly and quietly, the rest of us none the wiser.

We’re still with our group of friends and family, in a section near the stage that was roped off just for us, and I’m pretty sure this is what it feels like to be a VIP.

How am I supposed to settle for nosebleed seats after this?

“I can’t see Birdie,” I yell to Bridger, looking around our group.

“She’s in front,” he says. “Dancing with Daisy. I have eyes on her.”

I nod, relieved, and then Sidney introduces her band, including her hot-as-Hades husband, Keaton Williams, before she sits on the stool next to his piano and starts to sing a slow song that I love, making googly eyes at her man the whole time. It’s so romantic. And I do not miss the smug smile on Keaton’s lips as he plays the piano.

Holy hotness, Batman.

Bridger wraps his arms around my shoulders from behind, swaying us back and forth with the music, and I melt back against him, my head leaning against his chest and my hands gripping his arms as he moves us in rhythm with the music.

Being in Bridger’s arms is my favorite place to be. Nothing makes me feel more special or more cared for than when my man holds me against him.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” Bridger says into my ear, sending tingles through me. “Your ass looks amazing in these jeans. I can’t keep my hands off you.”

I grin and look up at him. “The jeans worked, then?”

He nods, and when I look back to the stage, he plants his mouth by my ear again, and my panties are officially soaked.

“I saw the guy flirting with you when you went to get us drinks.”

I frown. “There was no⁠—”

“I saw him,” he says again, perfectly calm, without a hint of jealousy. “But I’m the only one who gets to hold you and touch you. And it’s such a fucking turn-on, knowing that you’re all mine, sweetheart.”

I have to take a deep breath to calm my hormones down because I’d like to pull him away and try to find a quiet spot to have my way with him, but I also wouldn’t leave this show for anything in the world, so I just need to resign myself to being hot and bothered for the rest of the concert.

One of the things that I enjoy about going to shows like this is some of the people-watching. It makes me happy to see others so excited and having a good time, so I take a second to glance around at the crowd, smiling because so many of us are singing along with Sidney, and the happiness is contagious.

My eyes skim over a face that’s all too familiar, and I freeze, but then a tall man walks in front of my line of vision, and when he’s gone, so is the person I thought I saw.

No way.

I shake my head and turn back to the show. There’s no way I saw that.

“What’s wrong?” Bridger asks against my ear.

“Nothing.” I shake my head, but he holds me closer.

“You went pale on me, sweetheart. What’s wrong?”

I look up at him and cup his cheek. “I’m fine. I thought I saw someone, but I was mistaken. Honest.”

He narrows his eyes, and for a minute, I think he’ll push a little, but then his gaze falls to my lips, and he’s suddenly kissing me for all he’s worth, here in the middle of this huge crowd amongst all of the people we love.

I guess my man has no issue with public displays of affection.

When the show’s over, Bridger walks with us back to the Wild farmhouse, where Birdie and I will hang out with the others while Bridger helps with the traffic control back into town.

“That was the best concert I’ve ever been to,” Bee says with a happy sigh as she leans against me and rests her head on my shoulder. I have Birdie in my lap, snoozing away, and Alex is sitting on the other side of me.

We’re all wiped out, in the best way, talking about the show and waiting for traffic to thin so we can all go home.

“I’m glad to hear it,” Sidney herself says as she walks into the room. She’s already dressed in leggings and a T-shirt, her hair and makeup still done, and she collapses into a chair next to Erin. “It was the most fun I’ve had at a show in a long time.”

“Don’t you have VIP photos and stuff to do?” Erin asks her.


