When We Burn (The Blackwells of Montana #1) Read Online Kristen Proby

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Blackwells of Montana Series by Kristen Proby

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 102016 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 510(@200wpm)___ 408(@250wpm)___ 340(@300wpm)


“I left the lights on and everything over there because she was really bad, and I didn’t want to waste time getting her where she’s comfortable.”

I kiss her head and breathe her in, not caring at all that she smells like smoke. She’s safe, and she’s whole, and that’s all that matters. “Thank you.”

“Dani called me because Birdie really felt unwell,” Blake continues. “So I came to have a look. Cupcake threw up, and that set us in motion of cleaning everything up, including the kiddo.”

“So, we didn’t hear the oven timer go off,” Dani picks up. “I was baking cookies for Birdie and burned the last batch. But when I opened the windows, the smell was way worse than it should have been.”

“I saw the lights,” Birdie chirps and points out the window. “And then we saw the fire, and it was scary.”

“I bet that was scary.” I kiss Birdie on the cheek. “Are you feeling okay, peanut?”

“Yeah. I feel better. I’m not dizzy anymore.”

“You’re breathing okay, with all of that smoke?”

Birdie nods, but I make a mental note to grab the rescue inhaler and keep it on me for a few days, just in case.

“By the time we noticed what was going on, the fire was bad,” Blake says. “I have no idea when it started or who called 911. I didn’t see any signs of anything when I got to your place about an hour before.”

“It’s an old house,” Holden says, his arm around Dani, holding her close. “I’m no fire chief, but it doesn’t surprise me that it went up quickly.”

“You’re right.”

“I swear, I didn’t leave anything else on,” Dani says, shaking her head and turning pleading eyes up to her brother. “Just the lights. I never turned on the oven or a curling iron or even the TV. I don’t know how this could have happened.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” Holden says, kissing her on the forehead.

“Mommy’s sad,” Birdie says to me, and we all quiet, turning our heads to her. “Don’t cry, okay? I’m sorry I got sick and we had to go home. Maybe it’s my fault.”

Dani pulls away from her brother and takes Birdie from me, hugging her close.

“This is not your fault,” Dani says to her as she kisses her cheek. “Don’t you even think that.”

Birdie takes Dani’s face in her tiny little hands and looks into her eyes. “Don’t cry, Mommy. It’s just an accident.”

“Well, damn,” Millie mutters as Dani starts to cry for all new reasons, and I just pull them both into my arms because I don’t know what else to do. “Might be the sweetest moment ever. I’m such a crier these days.”

Millie sniffles, so Holden wraps his arm around her. Then there’s a knock at the door, and Blake looks grateful to have something to do as he crosses the room to open it.

“Chase,” Blake says and stands back to let the man in.

“I thought you might be down here. Shitter of a night,” Chase says in greeting as he joins us in the living room. “We’ve made an arrest.”

“Good, that fucker deserves it,” I reply, shaking my head. “You arrested him at the hospital?”

“Arrested who?” Millie wants to know.

“The arsonist,” I reply.

“Oh, you found him?” Dani demands. “Who is it?”

“Can I have the attention again?” Chase asks, waving a hand. “Thanks. Yes, the arsonist is in custody, still at the hospital. But that’s not who I was referring to. We’ve made an arrest in regard to the fire across from your house, Bridge.”

Dani marches right over to him. “Who?”

Chase’s eyes move up from Dani’s to mine, and he blows out a breath. “It was Angela, Bridge.”

Dani gasps.

“What the fuck?” Blake asks as I set Birdie gently on the couch, and she cuddles into a blanket, and then I turn my attention back to Chase.

“Why?” Holden asks.

But I know.

“Because she was mad that I wouldn’t give her any money to stay away from us,” I reply. “And because she knew she’d destroy me if she hurt Dani.”

“She set the fire and then went to the Wolf Den, had a couple of drinks, and started bragging about it.” Chase shakes his head. “Brenda the bartender called us, and we arrested her.”

“Jesus,” Blake mutters.

Dani hasn’t moved. Hasn’t torn her gaze away from Chase. She’s just staring at him.

“She almost hurt my baby,” she finally says. “If we’d been over there, Birdie could have been hurt. So, I want you to promise me that that bitch is going to jail, and she’s going to stay there, or I’m going to hurt her.”

“I didn’t hear that last part,” Chase says and reaches out to squeeze her shoulder. “We have a strong case, Dani. She’s in a whole lot of trouble.”

“Not as much as she’ll be in if she gets out,” Dani mutters, turning to me, her eyes hot. “That. F⁠—”


