What About Now (Everlasting Ink #4) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Everlasting Ink Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73884 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 369(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

Maddox stands, lifts me into his arms, and carries me. “I can walk,” I tell him, laughing.

“Yeah, and I can carry you.” We step into his room, and he sets me on the tattoo table. His hands rest on my cheeks when he asks, “You’re really going to let me put my mark on you?”

“I am. I’m glad it’s going to be you.” Gripping his shirt, I pull him toward me, and kiss him. I stop before we get carried away, pull my phone out of my pocket, and quickly send him the picture. I know Briar has one too, but I send her mine as well, just in case.

Thirty minutes later, we have a stencil that is exactly like my dad’s handwriting. “Where do you want it?” Maddox asks.

Grabbing my phone, I call my sister. I can hear her phone ring and she’s laughing when she answers. “Where are we getting these?”

“What about inside bicep?” I suggest.

“Perfect. Right arm,” she says. “Love you, big sister.”

Tears well in my eyes. “I love it, and I love you too, little sister.” I end the call and look up at my husband, who is waiting patiently. “Inside bicep.” I lift my arm to show him. “On my right arm.”

Maddox smirks. “Take your shirt off, beautiful.”

I do as he says, and lie back on the table, lifting my arm over my head. He gets to work prepping the skin and applying the stencil. “There, want to take a look?”

I shake my head. “No. I trust you.”

“Brogan.” My name is a rasp from his lips.

He knows I mean more than just this moment, because this man somehow knows me inside out. “I’m ready,” I tell him.

He starts and immediately checks to make sure I’m okay, and I smile up at him. “I’m stronger than I look.”

He bends down and presses his lips to mine. “I know you are, baby. But the thought of hurting you, even for this twists me up inside.”

“I can have Lachlan do it,” I say, knowing it will light a fire inside him.

“Yeah, that’s not happening.” He gives me another kiss and gets back to work.

“Why the right arm?” he asks. “Is there some kind of significance?”

“Kind of, but not really. Briar and I always said we would put our maiden name on one side, and our married name on the other.” I wait for him to reply, but it never comes. “We had a few places we talked about, but we always said the left was closer to our heart. To the man we chose to give our hearts to if that day ever came.”

“Beautiful and smart,” he says.

I close my eyes and let him work. Time seems to fly because before I know it, he’s telling me he’s done, and helping me sit up. I move to stand in front of the full-length mirror and tears prick my eyes.

“I love it, Maddox. Thank you.” He steps behind me, wraps his arms around my waist, and kisses my neck.

“I’m glad you love it. Come on. Let’s go check on Briar.”

I quickly put my shirt back on, and we go to see how things are progressing with my sister, but I already know. She’s getting two tattoos today.

One day, that will be me too.




Everything in my life is brighter with Brogan in it.

Today was incredible, not just because my best friends and I got to show our family our new space, but because I got to share it with her. I’m stoked about the new facility and to watch our business grow. However, I’m more excited about the way my wife is staring at me as we stand at our kitchen island. I grabbed us both a bottle of water as soon as we got home.

She smiles shyly as she sips her water. No words are shared between us, but I know what she’s thinking. I made her a promise earlier, and from the glint in her eye, she wants me to follow through on that promise.

I intend to, but I also don’t want to push her. Even with the desire in her eyes, I can still see the apprehension as well, and I need her to understand that whatever happens between us tonight, it’s all about her. She calls all the shots.

“What’s that look?” she asks. Her eyes never leave mine.

“Do you remember?” I ask. I know damn good and well by the way she shifts her stance that she most definitely remembers.

“Remember what?” She tilts her head to the side, and there’s a challenging glint in her eyes.

I fucking love how she’s coming out of her shell with me. That turns me on more than anything to know that I’m earning her trust. Measured steps carry me to her side of the island. I don’t stop until I’m standing behind her, with my hands on her hips and my lips trailing down her neck.


