What About Now (Everlasting Ink #4) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Everlasting Ink Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73884 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 369(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

“Not much. I remember us leaving with Maggie and Lachlan, and then it gets fuzzy from there.”

“Yeah,” he agrees.

I turn my head, glancing around the room, looking for anything that might help me remember, when I spot papers lying on the table. My legs shake as they carry me to them. I don’t need to pick them up to see what they are. The words Marriage Certificate are in big, bold letters at the top.


“What is it?”

I startle at his voice being so close, and I can’t stop the shiver that races through me when he gently places his hands on my hips as he looks over my shoulder.

“Marriage certificate.”

“So, you’re my wife?” he asks. Again, he doesn’t sound mad about this or even irritated.

“Looks like it. At least until we can get this annulled.”


I turn to face him, and we’re now chest to chest with his hands gripping my hips. I look up at him. His big blue eyes study me as if I’m a puzzle he can’t figure out. “Annulled,” I repeat.

“Let’s just take a step back. We should shower. We’re supposed to meet everyone for breakfast at ten.” He glances back toward the bed at the alarm clock. “We’ve got thirty minutes.”

I sigh. “I guess you’re right. It’s Sunday, so there isn’t going to be an attorney open to deal with this until tomorrow, anyway.”

“Go shower.”

He leans in and presses his lips to my forehead. He’s never done that before, and the act has my heart fluttering around like a swarm of butterflies inside my chest. “What about you?” I see my luggage, and all of my toiletries were in the bathroom, so I know we’re in my room.

“My stuff is here too.” He nods to the opposite side of the room, and sure enough, there’s his luggage. “I guess we decided we were moving in together.” He smirks. “I mean, that’s what married people do, right? They live together?”

“We’re not really married, Maddox,” I remind him.

“That piece of paper says otherwise, Mrs. Lanigan.” The smile he gives me, it’s not a teasing smile, but it’s gone before I can put a name to it. “Go shower. You can get ready while I take my turn. That is, unless you want to shower together. That’s better for the environment. Saving water and all that.”

“Nope.” I pull out of his arms, needing some space.

“Lock the door.”

“Are you leaving?” I ask. Sadness washes over me. I know we can’t stay married, but being with him, having his attention, it’s something I don’t really want to let go of just yet. What happens in Vegas and all that.

“No, baby, I’m not leaving.” He reaches up and presses his palm against my cheek. “It’s to keep me out of the bathroom. My wife will be naked and wet. I need all the barriers I can get to keep me away.”


He smirks. “Go. Lock the door,” he says again, before dropping his hand and making his way back to the bed.

Quickly, I grab a change of clothes and disappear into the bathroom, and I lock the door just like he told me to. However, the entire time I’m showering, all I can think about is Maddox busting down that door and joining me.

Thirty minutes later, we’re both dressed and ready to head to meet everyone for breakfast. Maddox has his hand on the small of my back, leading me toward the door, when I freeze.

“I forgot to take off my ring.” My right hand reaches for my left.


I freeze and turn to look at him. “What?”

“Don’t take it off.”

“So, we’re just going to tell them what we did?”

He gives me a stiff nod. “This is my one and only wedding. Let me enjoy having a wife while I still can.”

“We’re not really married, Mad,” I whisper.

“We are. Our names and signatures are on that marriage certificate. It’s legal and binding. You are my wife, and I’m not hiding that.”

“But it was a drunken mistake,” I counter. He bows his head, his chin falling to his chest as he grips the back of my shirt. “Right?” I ask him.

When he finally looks up, his blue eyes are liquid fire. “You are my wife.” He repeats the same four words he said just moments before.

“On paper.”

“Give me this. We’ll get through breakfast. Besides, you’re not going to hide this from your sister, and I’m not going to hide this from my brothers.”

My shoulders fall. “You’re right. Not to mention Maggie and Lachlan were probably there. Maybe they can fill in some of the gaps.”

“Maybe,” he says, pressing his lips to my temple. “Let’s get you some breakfast.”

No more words are spoken as he leads me out of the room and to the elevators. There’s an older man and woman already on board, and they smile at us.


