What About Now (Everlasting Ink #4) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Everlasting Ink Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73884 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 369(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

“Not so long ago, you would have been agreeing with me,” I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest.

“I know. It took me a lot of time, and Forrest gave me as much as I needed to come to terms with the fact that he’s one of the good ones. He’s not all pretty words and no actions. Let Maddox show you.”

“I told him I’d give him six months, but, Briar, I’m already—it’s going to hurt when he leaves. I’m broken, and when he realizes that, he’s going to bolt, and my heart… it won’t ever be the same.”

Briar pulls me into a hug. “You are not broken. That night can’t define us.”

“Everyone I love leaves me.” The words slip free before I can stop them.

“No. I didn’t leave you.” Her tone is firm, one she uses with the girls when she means business. “I’m right here. I’m just a short drive away and no matter when you need me, day or night, I’m going to be there. Our family is growing, and sure, the girls and I don’t live with you anymore, but that’s okay because you’ll have kids one day; I’m certain that husband of yours will make sure of it.”

“I’ve never—he’s more experienced than me. He’s not going to want a wife who doesn’t know what she’s doing in bed. He’s had his fair share of women. He’s not going to want to choose a novice to sex to have sleep next to him for the rest of his life.”

“You’re wrong.” She points to her chest. “I was the same way, remember? I don’t have a single memory from that night at the frat party. In every way that matters, Forrest was my first. Don’t stress about the small things. Talk to him, tell him, and I promise you, he’s not going to disappoint you. Neither will your body,” she assures me.

“I’m scared,” I admit. “And yes, before you ask me if I’ve told him that, I have. He says he won’t hurt me.”

“Then put your faith in him, Brogan.”

“But what if I’m right?”

“Then I’ll be here for you to help you pick up the pieces, but my gut tells me that you’re wrong. What is your gut telling you?”

I clamp my mouth shut, which is the only answer she needs. It’s not my gut or my heart that’s the issue. It’s my head. I can’t seem to stop thinking about the what-ifs and just live for the here and now.

“Come, let’s go spend some time with our family. I need to threaten my new brother-in-law.”

“Please don’t,” I beg her, and she giggles all the way up the steps. “Briar,” I say, grabbing her attention. She stops and turns to look at me. “Remember that tattoo we always talked about?”

Her eyes light up. “I do.”

“Are you ready?”

She nods. “I think we waited for a reason. We were waiting for our husbands.” She winks, and I smile as I follow her into the kitchen in search of the girls and our husbands.

We find everyone in the living room. River is painting Forrest’s nails, and Rayne is painting Maddox’s nails.

“Look!” they say in tandem.

Briar heads toward Forrest, and I do the same to Maddox. “Wow, you’re doing a great job, Rayne,” I tell my niece.

“Do I look pretty, baby?” Maddox asks, as he raises his left hand that’s already painted. His wedding band catches my eyes, and my chest tightens. I ignore it and settle on the floor next to him.

“Handsome,” I tell him.

Maddox reaches over and places his hand on my thigh. He gives a soft squeeze and leaves it to rest there while Rayne works on his other hand.

“I can do yours too, Aunt Brogan.”

“After this it’s bedtime,” Briar tells the girls. “We’ll have to plan another day for Aunt Brogan to come over so you can paint her nails. Maybe we’ll even go to the salon and we can all get our nails painted.”

“Daddy too?” River asks.

“No, a girls’ day,” Briar replies.

“Oh, we love girls’ day!” Rayne exclaims.

The girls finish their job, and Maddox and Forrest make a huge deal about how great they did, and their little faces beam with pride.

“All right, little ladies, time for bed,” Briar tells them.

“We should be heading out too.” I stand and offer Maddox my hand, to help him do the same. Once he’s on his feet, he wraps his arm around my waist and presses a kiss to my temple.

“Thank you for dinner, and the manicure,” he says to the girls. “Our place next time?” he suggests.

“We’ll be there,” Forrest tells him.

After a round of hugs, we’re heading out to the truck. Maddox opens the door for me, and this time, I smile and thank him. The drive home is quiet. Once back, we go through our nightly routine, and when Maddox turns off the light, he whispers my name.


