What About Now (Everlasting Ink #4) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Everlasting Ink Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73884 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 369(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

“You called me your husband.” He winks and climbs out of the car. I don’t pull away until I see that he’s inside. The entire drive home, I’m lost in thought. Today was good. I enjoy spending time with him. I’m also excited for him to come home to me.

I’m in so much trouble.




Stepping into the shop with a bag of fast food in my hand feels different. I’ve done this exact thing more times than I can count, but this time, I’m a married man. A married man that ignores the two ladies in the waiting room making eyes at me. I pretend like I don’t see them. I’m not interested.

Just like that.

Overnight, my world has changed, and I’m embracing it. “Hey,” I greet Drake, who is working at the front desk today. “I still have a two o’clock, right?” I ask.

He glances down at the computer. “Still on the books. No calls yet, and they’re not here.”

We don’t have no-shows often, but we do require a deposit to schedule, and if they are a no-show, that deposit is nonrefundable. It helps offset the loss of income. However, we all have waiting lists, and our number of walk-ins grows every day. Some more than others. Today, though, I’m good with my client not showing up. That means I get to go home to my wife earlier than expected.

“There he is!” Lachlan says, stepping out of his office, following a client to the front desk to check out. He shakes his client's hand and follows me into my office. “How’s married life?” he asks, amusement in his tone.

“Fucking fantastic.” I grin as I pull food out of the bag.

“And then there was one.” He laughs.

I shrug. “How’s your day been?”

“Fine as frog hair. That was my last client of the day. My afternoon rescheduled.”

“You taking walk-ins?” I ask, biting into my burger.

“I might. Drake said there were two out in the waiting room. What about you?”

“My two o’clock isn’t here yet. If they don’t show, I’m going back home. Which reminds me, I’m going to need a ride to my place.”

“Your place or Brogan’s?”

“Mine. I packed up my things today to move in, but left my truck parked in the garage. I didn’t have time to unload it, and I didn’t want it sitting outside in the weather. Brogan offered to drive it home for me, but I know she’d be trying to unload it all for me, and I don’t want her lifting all those heavy-ass boxes. It’s mostly clothes, but still.”

“You called her place home.”

“That’s where she is. That’s home.”

“Damn, you’ve got it bad, huh?”

“I’ve wanted her for a long time, Lach. I thought it would complicate things between our group with Forrest and Briar getting married, but when I woke up next to her… when I found out she was my wife, well, I changed my mind. She’s already mine, so I convinced her that we give this a shot.”

“Yeah? You’re going for it.”

I nod. “With everything I got.”

“Well, if you’re anything like the first three, I’m certain you’ll come out with a win.”

“Just her. Win or lose, I just want her. I know we can make this work.”

“Make what work?” Roman asks from the doorway of my office.

“My marriage.”

Roman nods. “I’m an old pro. Hit me up if you need any advice.”

“Who needs advice?” Legend asks, stepping into the room next to Roman.

Before I can answer, Forrest joins in. “What is this? A meeting without me?”

“What are you doing here?” I ask him. “You’re supposed to be at home with your wife and daughters.”

Forrest grins. “My girls are just fine, thank you very much. I ran out to grab everything we need to make homemade potato soup because Briar’s been craving it and thought I’d stop in to see how everything’s going.”

“Is she pregnant?” Roman asks.

“Nah, but if she were, that would be fucking amazing.” Forrest’s smile grows, thinking about expanding their family.

“Well, you’re just in time. I was telling Maddox if he needs any marriage advice to come see me.” Roman fills him and Legend in on our conversation.

“Me too,” Legend speaks up.

“I’m new at this,” Forrest admits, “but I’m here if you need to talk.”

“Thanks.” I nod, making eye contact with my four best friends. “We’re giving this a shot. I have six months to make her fall in love with me.”

“Meh, you won’t need six weeks.” Legend waves his hand in the air.

“Right? It’s obvious there’s chemistry,” Roman agrees.

“Love me. I need to make her fall in love with me.”

“Just be you, Mad. Brogan is a lot like Briar. They value trust over everything, and it takes a good pair of hiking boots and a lot of fucking resilience to scale that mountain, but when you do, I promise you that you’ll have no regrets,” Forrest says.


