Well Played Read Online Vi Keeland, Penelope Ward

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 108124 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 432(@250wpm)___ 360(@300wpm)

“I know. I only found out in the course of getting to know her. We certainly weren’t gonna learn the truth from Tanner.”

“Well, now I feel badly about giving her attitude all this time. I could never help myself, thinking she’d left my son when he needed her most, secretly blaming her in part for his gambling addiction.”

“She’s a good woman, Ma. A really good woman. And a damn good mother to your grandson.” I exhaled. “I ended things with her today—or at least tried—not because I wanted to, but because this thing between us is stressing her out. It’s complicating her life in a way I never intended. I don’t believe for a second that she wouldn’t want to be with me if things were different. But I can’t push if she keeps letting fear get in the way.”

“I’ve never seen you like this over a woman. I was starting to think you didn’t have it in you. I just wish it was any woman but Presley Sullivan.”

“Yeah, well, we don’t always get a choice when it comes to who we—” I hesitated, realizing the word that had almost come out of my mouth.

Was I about to admit I’m falling in love with her?

“You’ve put me in a difficult spot,” my mother said, interrupting my thoughts. “Because the next time your brother calls me, how am I supposed to just pretend I don’t know about this? I almost wish you’d lied.”

“I’m sorry for putting you in this position.”

“I’m not going to be the one to tell him, as much as it will kill me to hide this.”

“Thank you.”

“But I think eventually you’re gonna want to tell him. Otherwise, the guilt will eat away at you.”

I knew she was right. It would be impossible to keep this from Tanner if Presley and I didn’t stop seeing each other. “In a perfect world, he’d never have to find out. I certainly wouldn’t unleash the news on him without running it by Presley first. That would be her call. If it were up to me, I’d just live with the guilt. Honestly, my number-one concern is Alex, more than anything.”

Mom nodded. “As it should be.”

I stared off. “He needs me in his life, especially when Tanner doesn’t come around much. I couldn’t live with myself if he grew to hate me for any reason.”

“Well, I think you should take that thought and let it marinate. There’s really no way that Alex finding out about you and his mom could possibly help your relationship with him. That may be reason enough to stick to your guns here. End things once and for all before that boy finds out.”

“I get what you’re saying. But you’re asking me to do something that feels very unnatural. I understand what the right decision is. But it’s much easier said than done.” Closing my eyes for a moment, I thought back to some of the simple moments Presley and I had shared. “She makes me want things I never knew I wanted. We talk, we laugh about stupid stuff, about Beaufort—all the things I never appreciated before. A year ago, I would’ve told you I was perfectly fine having one-night stands and meaningless trysts forever. I never wanted the added responsibility of a relationship. But with her, it doesn’t feel like that. It feels like it enhances my life, rather than weighing it down. She understands where I come from and vice versa. She just…makes me happy. I don’t know how else to describe it.”

“Oh goodness, son.” My mother let out a long breath. “The sad thing is, all I’ve ever dreamed for you is that you’d settle down someday, be happy with one woman, and start a family. I’m sorry it’s not easier for you to just enjoy this experience, that it has to be marred by scandal. And make no mistake about it, that’s exactly what this would turn into if it ever got out.” Her eyes widened as something seemed to dawn on her. “Please tell me that old woman you currently live with hasn’t gotten wind of this.”

Oh boy. She’s not going to be happy when I tell her.

“Fern knows. I basically gave her hush money. That’s a story for another day. But I do trust that she won’t say anything.”

“Just great.” My mother rolled her eyes. “That sounds really reliable.”


I ultimately decided not to be a pussy. So I headed back to The Palm that night.

To my surprise, Presley was waiting by the door when I arrived just past 10PM.

She looked worried. “Where have you been?”

“Does it matter?”

“Yes, it does matter when you left things the way you did earlier. I at least thought you’d be home for dinner. You normally tell me when you won’t.”

The fact that she’d been waiting up made me feel like shit.


