War Games Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 108563 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 543(@200wpm)___ 434(@250wpm)___ 362(@300wpm)

With her backup in place, Gasoline finally finds her backbone and steps out of the darkened doorway, announcing herself to the room with a cocky attitude that has me desperate to kick her right in the vagina with a studded boot.

“Where is she?” Reaper’s deep tone suddenly says from right behind me.

I jump, my heart launching right out of my fucking chest before scolding myself for not realizing he was here. He was spending the night tailing the brothers, and the second they made their way inside the warehouse, Reaper would have followed them straight in.

“Rafters,” I say, indicating toward the ceiling.

Reaper’s sharp gaze sails to the ceiling, and he spots her immediately, but when she gives him the same guilty smirk she offered me, I can’t help but laugh under my breath.

“Shit,” he mutters.

“My thoughts exactly.”

His gaze sweeps the warehouse with confidence, and in a matter of seconds, his face shifts. I know he’s figured something out.

“Certainly took your time,” Gasoline says, her chilling voice sending shivers spiking across my skin and throwing me right back into that resort suite with my wrists and ankles bound to the table. Her gaze flicks toward the corners of the room, and as if on cue, The Texan Reaper and The Boneyard Slayer step out of the shadows, leaving Silver defenseless.

The Texan Reaper drags a heavy chain behind him, the sound of it against the concrete enough to turn my blood cold. “Had to lose a tail first,” he says, clearly having known that Reaper was following them, but he’s too fucking daft to realize he followed them right into the warehouse.

Silver panics, her gaze flicking around the run-down building, frantically searching for a way out, but she won’t find one. Every last exit is covered.

“They don’t know we’re here,” I tell Reaper, pointing out that this trap was solely for Silver, and while I waltzed straight into it, I’m not a target tonight. If they were as clever as they thought they were, they could take out all four of us and win this shit. Only, they don’t possess the skill nor the brains to pull it off.

The three of them begin to creep toward Silver, and she whips around with her blades, trying to find a way out of this. In pure panic, she makes a break for it, lunging for the main entrance. She throws her knife at The Boneyard Slayer as she passes him, barely grazing his thigh, and before she can get another step, he darts out toward her, grabbing her by her upper arm and throwing her back into the center of the warehouse.

Silver stumbles and falls, and by the time she can even attempt to get back on her feet, the brothers and Gasoline are already on her. They tie her up with the industrial-sized chain, and with her small frame, she doesn’t stand a chance.

“You really thought you could get the drop on me?” Gasoline taunts, pulling out that same packet of matches and pulling one free. My stomach sinks. “Look around you, Silver. You’re nothing but an old fool.”

Silver spits at her, and Gasoline instantly hurries into her, slamming a booted foot into Silver’s ribs. “You fucking bitch,” Gasoline grunts. “You’re gonna suffer for that, mark my fucking words.”

Silver laughs despite being at a complete loss. “Mark your words?” she questions. “You couldn’t do shit if you didn’t have brainless one and two doing all your dirty work for you. You know they’re going to slaughter you the first chance they get, right? You don’t mean shit to them.”

“Let’s just get this done,” The Texan Reaper demands, clearly done with their bullshit.

Silver just scoffs, looking back at The Texan Reaper. “You better watch your back too,” she says. “I’ve known this bitch for twenty years, and the second she gets a chance to cross you, you’ll be chained in a warehouse just like this.”

The Boneyard Slayer rolls his eyes and goes to take a step when his attention sails up to the rafters, making my stomach tighten with knots. “Fuck,” he roars, tossing the end of the chain he’s holding to the ground as he breaks into a sprint. “IT’S THAT FUCKING KID.”

Chaos erupts, and both Reaper and I dart out of the darkness. My one and only goal is to get to Shadow, and I’m trusting that Reaper will handle the rest, but it all happens too fast. “SHADOW, RUN!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

Shadow rushes to her feet, making a break along the rafters, and The Boneyard Slayer rushes after her while his brother launches into action, noticing me and Reaper immediately. Deciding Reaper is his biggest threat, he darts toward him as Gasoline freezes, her sharp gaze quickly assessing the chaos.

She knows she doesn’t stand a chance in this warehouse, and without a fucking care, she tosses the lit match toward the gas tanks as horror pounds through my chest. She takes off at a sprint toward the back exit as my feet slam against the ground, only having a few seconds to save myself.


