War Games Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 108563 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 543(@200wpm)___ 434(@250wpm)___ 362(@300wpm)

“Okay,” I say, my heart slowly piecing itself back together as she leans in and pulls me into a tight hug. “I’ll get you what you need so you can come home.”

“I know you will,” she tells me. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Siren pulls back and gets to her feet, and I can’t help but notice the way she glances down at the plaque I had made in her honor. “Well, that’s kinda morbid,” she laughs before giving me a small smile. “Thank you.”

I nod and with that, Siren walks away, and I watch as she joins Reaper and Shadow before falling straight into Reaper’s waiting arms. He presses a kiss to her forehead then opens the door like a perfect gentleman.

The three of them get into the car, but Siren pauses a moment, glancing back over her shoulder and offering me a beautiful smile. “I’ll be seeing you, Mila,” she says, and not a moment later, she gets into the car, and the three of them drive away. Then as I watch the car go, I promise myself that even if it kills me, I won’t stop until l bring them home.



“Jesus Christ,” I mutter, looking over the impenetrable compound that Harriet Wicker has built herself while Shadow and Kienna get into position. It’s been a long time coming, but if anyone is going to do this, it’s going to be us.

I’m sure another version of War Games will pop up in the coming years, and at some point, someone will put together the pieces and realize that Kienna and I aren’t exactly as dead as we’re supposed to be. But as long as Harriet Wicker goes down, there’s no one else with enough motivation or skin in the game to put up the money for a bounty.

Once she’s eliminated like the hundreds of deaths she’s been responsible for over the years, we’ll be as free as birds. Well, sort of. In our line of work, there’s only a certain amount of free a person can truly be. Our identities need to be kept under wraps, considering Shadow had no choice but to hand over our IDs at the end of the game. The FBI believes us to be dead, and we need to keep it that way, but if they happen to catch onto us, we have new identities ready to go with multiple exit strategies, something I’ve never really had to think about, but now that I’ve found my family, I won’t allow a damn soul to take it away from me.

“Ready?” Mila questions in my ear.

“Ready,” I confirm. “Shadow?”


“Kienna?” I ask.

Kienna’s familiar groan sounds through my earpiece, and my back stiffens for just a moment before her whispered voice comes through. “Fuck, I really need to pee.”

Fucking hell. This is why I’ve never been a fan of working in a team. When I’m out on my own, it’s only me I have to cater to. But these three women . . . fuck. They drive me crazy, but it’s the kind of crazy I wouldn’t give up for the world. They don’t need to know that though.

Either way, we can’t afford to fuck this up. Our lives are literally riding on this. We have one shot to get it right, and if we’re even a second too late, it could be detrimental to our survival.

Mila spent four and a half months searching for this bitch, and the moment she found her, we started working out a plan—You know, after getting over the fact that this wasn’t some loser with back acne, jerking off in his mother’s basement to snuff films.

“I told you not to drink that whole fucking soda in the car,” I scold, shaking my head. “Can you figure yourself out, because it’s go time in less than twenty seconds? Either hold it or piss in your pants, but we’re not waiting for you to find a bathroom. We’re in the middle of the fucking desert.”

“Damn it,” Kienna groans. “I can hold it, but if you even think about coming near me with that attitude, I’ll have no choice but to pin you down and give you the worst kind of golden shower.”

I roll my eyes as Shadow’s voice sounds in my ear. “What’s a golden shower?”

Fuck me.

“It’s a—”

“It’s nothing,” I say, cutting off Kienna’s explanation. “We need to focus.”

“Power out in seven seconds,” Mila says, thankfully forcing Shadow and Kienna to cut the bullshit and get in the zone. “Five . . . Three. Two. One.”

The compound falls into complete darkness, and without another word, I throw myself over the high gates, dropping down to the ground as I hear Kienna and Shadow doing the same. We have twenty seconds before the backup generators come on, and even less time to take out the four armed guards patrolling the compound and get inside the main building before reaching Harriet’s den undetected.


