War Games Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 108563 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 543(@200wpm)___ 434(@250wpm)___ 362(@300wpm)

I nod. “We’ll deal with it as soon as we get out of here. For now, we need to keep focused. We can’t let these assholes slip away.”

Siren doesn’t respond, but the determination in her eyes is more than enough confirmation that she’s with me, so with The Boneyard Slayer closer to our left, we move toward him.

Creeping through the maze of mirrors, we move in a way that backs The Boneyard Slayer into a corner, only he’s too fucking stupid to realize it. I watch as the bastard starts to believe he actually has the upper hand. The mirrors clearly fuck with his head, and when he gets a lock on Siren, he begins to stalk her. I shake my head, watching his performance. He’s not even discreet, and as Siren leads him further into a corner, I keep my eye on his brother.

The Boneyard Slayer watches every move she makes, and as he creeps closer toward her, I do the same. Then, just as he thinks he’s got the drop on her, he takes his blade and lunges toward her with everything he’s got, only he slams face first into a solid mirror, the glass splintering under the force.

I laugh, and as he whips around, his eyes wide with fear, I lunge just as he had, my blade slicing through his lower abdomen as I gut him like a fucking fish. He gapes at me as if not understanding what the fuck just happened, and as if on cue, his organs slide out of him, his intestines like a rope of bloodied sausages falling to the ground with a wet plop.

The Boneyard Slayer lets out one single breath, and with that, he falls to his knees, crushing his organs under the weight of his meaty body.

“Goodnight, motherfucker,” I mutter just as Siren steps out, looking at the mess covering the ground, her brow arched in approval.

She goes to say something when a loud roar tears through the maze. “YOU’RE BOTH FUCKING DEAD,” The Texan Reaper bellows, rage in his eyes, clearly having watched the show through the mirrors. Only there’s something off in his stare. He’s not pissed that we took his brother out, he’s pissed that we took out his one last advantage to the top. After all, if he were going to win, he would have had to slaughter his brother at some point.

The Texan Reaper takes off at a run, a blade clutched tightly in his hand as he uses the wall of mirrors as a guide, but he’s too disoriented to make a single correct turn, and as he attempts to get to us, we make it easy, heading right for him.

“HEY!” A piercing scream is heard at the opening of the mirror maze. My stomach sinks, and both Siren and I come to a screeching halt, my gaze whipping toward the entrance to see Shadow staring directly at The Texan Reaper. “You want them, asshole. You’re going to have to get through me first.”

“Fuck,” Siren breathes beside me. “What the hell is she doing?”

The Texan Reaper pauses, weighing up his options, and seeing a clear path out of the mirror maze that gives him a direct line to Shadow, he takes it, sprinting after her.

“NO!” Siren screams as we both break into a sprint, racing to get out of here. We stumble past each other, both of us too overwhelmed by fear that we allow the maze to fuck with our heads, taking longer than it should to get out of this fucking hellhole.

Siren is a step behind me, and as I find the path out, I grab her hand and pull her with me as we break out into the cool night air. We race ahead, seeing Shadow in the distance, and for the first time since meeting her, she runs right through the center, keeping out of the shadows, perfectly visible to anyone who’d want to use her as a target.

“She wants to be caught,” Siren rushes out, seeing the very thing I’m seeing. “Foolish child. She’s trying to save us.”

I grit my teeth, hating the thought of this kid trying to sacrifice herself for us, and more than that, I hate that she was raised to believe this is her only option. Self-sacrifice isn’t the honor she thinks it is because if she were to get hurt, neither myself or Siren would be able to live with ourselves following this. And because of that, when the three of us get out of this fucking godforsaken town—which we fucking will—dealing with that organization and the underground training camp will be one of my top priorities.

The Texan Reaper begins to gain on Shadow, and my heart races with fear. “FUCKING RUN, SHADOW,” I call behind her, knowing she could run laps around this asshole without breaking a fucking sweat.


