War Games Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 108563 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 543(@200wpm)___ 434(@250wpm)___ 362(@300wpm)


We both spring out of bed, and I’m halfway down the hall within the blink of an eye. “Shadow?” I call out, racing toward her room as Reaper follows behind me, his phone in his hand.

I don’t bother to knock. Instead, I just barge right through the door only to find her bed empty and her boots and weapons gone. “Fuck. She’s gone after them,” I say as we both whip around and head straight back to our room, getting ourselves dressed and ready within seconds.

“They’re on the move,” Reaper murmurs, checking the pinned location we had for the brothers and Gasoline as we load ourselves with weapons.

“Where?” I rush out just as the familiar sound of my phone ringing comes from the kitchen. My brows furrow, and I dart out of the bedroom, hurrying to catch the call with Reaper hot on my tail, both of us scanning the house as though a threat could pop out at any moment.

My phone is in the middle of the counter, and I scoop it up, finding Mila’s name across the screen. I swipe my thumb across it and lift it to my ear, then, before I can even say a word, Mila’s voice comes rushing through the phone. “Oh, thank fuck. You’re alive,” she breathes. “Did you get them all? Is it over?”

“What?” I demand, still shoving weapons into every crevice my outfit offers.

“What do you mean what?” she questions. “I sent you their location over an hour ago. You confirmed and said you were making your move.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? I’ve been asleep the past few hours.”

“I . . . I don’t know what to tell you,” she says as I pull my phone away from my ear and put the call on speakerphone before going through my recent messages, and just as Mila suggested, she sent me a text over an hour ago letting me know they were on the move, and just as she said, there’s a confirmation text from me saying that we were on it.

“FUCK!” I grunt, grabbing Reaper’s keys and tossing them to him as I step into my boots. “That was Shadow. She took off without us.”


“Where are they?” I rush out, already hearing the sound of Mila’s fingers rushing across her keyboard as we barge out the door and into Reaper’s car, not bothering to lock up behind us. What’s the point? By the time we return here, it’ll be over, and the last of the threats against our lives will be neutralized.

“I’ve got them in the old abandoned amusement park,” Mila says as Reaper peels out of the driveway, white-knuckling the steering wheel.

“Got it,” Reaper says.

He pulls to the left out of the driveway, the wheels squealing against the asphalt. It’s at least a ten-minute drive to the old amusement park, but right now, every fucking minute counts. If they’ve got her, they won’t hesitate to take her out. One wrong move, and it’s over for Shadow, and I’m not about to let that happen.

“Let me know how it goes,” Mila says, a hint of fear in her soft tone.

“I will,” I say, swallowing over the growing lump in my throat, and with that, Mila ends the call, knowing we’re in for the fight of our lives. We need to concentrate now more than ever.

“What the fuck was she thinking?” Reaper demands. “We told her they will try something like this. They drew her out, and she fell right into their fucking trap.”

“She was probably thinking that she wants this shit to be over,” I throw back at him, ready to defend that girl right to the end of the world. “She’s just a kid who’s been taught that sacrificing themselves for a mission is honorable. Let’s just focus on getting her out of there, and after that, we can rip into her about going into this bullshit alone. Until then, she’s our only focus.”

“What if it’s already too late?”

“It’s not,” I say, clenching my jaw. “I’d know.”

“You had that feeling in bed. What if—”

“Don’t say it,” I beg him. “This isn’t over yet. She’s going to be fine. She can handle herself just as well as we can, even when backed into a corner. We’re going to get her back, and the moment we do, we set our focus on them, not giving them a chance to get away again. We end this tonight no matter the cost.”

Reaper nods, his fingers tightening on the steering wheel, and the closer we get to the amusement park, the more he begins to resemble that terrifying beast I saw in the warehouse during that very first night. His eyes are as dark as night, completely hollow and void of life. He’s lethal, and that’s exactly the vibe I try to replicate.

Nothing is stopping me from getting to our girl.


