Total pages in book: 41
Estimated words: 37501 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 188(@200wpm)___ 150(@250wpm)___ 125(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 37501 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 188(@200wpm)___ 150(@250wpm)___ 125(@300wpm)
I prefer the nights.
"They did," I murmur, clearing my throat as if that'll clear my mind of images of him above me, thrusting into me. Of him below me, his hands on my hips and his eyes locked on me. Of him inside me, growling my name as he loves me to the brink of madness.
It doesn't. Gods, not even close. Even when he's no longer inside me, I feel him between my legs still, as if the delicious ache he left behind is a permanent reminder of the man who caused it.
I think he knows what I'm thinking because the look he shoots me is full of heat and promise, a silent vow of what's to come when we're alone again.
I shiver slightly, forcing my gaze away from him before I crawl into his lap right here at the table.
"Um…" I force my mind back to the matter at hand. War. The varulv. Our new allies. "The rabbits agreed to keep an eye out and report back if they see anything. That's all they're willing to do. They're afraid."
"Poor rabbits," Abigail whispers, her face falling.
"But the ravens agreed to join you and scout ahead." My brows furrow as I glance down at Ing, who spent the day out with Stephan and the Fae, hunting. He's more interested in the deer steak we sat out for him than the conversation, however. "They said something about it having been that way before?"
"Ja," Malachi says, the beads of his braid clicking together as he nods. "Raven, wolf, and Fae have fought together many times. But not for millennia now. Not since Ragnarök."
"They belonged to Odin too," Damrion murmurs. "Geri and Freki walked beside him, while his ravens, Hugin and Munin, flew ahead."
I turn wide, worried eyes on him. "Are they vargúlfr, too?"
"Nei, Valkyrie. They cannot be turned," he promises.
I exhale a relieved breath.
"The ravens of Valhalla are as special as the wolves, but in their own way."
I nod thoughtfully. "Their speech is different."
"Ja. They knew our languages once. They were Odin's scouts, his spies, some say. They flew ahead, listened, and reported back. And, like the wolves, they have long memories. I imagine some of what they knew lingers still," Damrion says. "But they could never change form. They're in no danger of being turned against us."
"That's good," I whisper.
Damrion's gold eyes linger on my face. "Asking them for help was a smart plan. You did well, Valkyrie."
I blush, dropping my gaze to the table. "Thank you."
Stephan squeezes my fingers, leaning toward me. "Head up, warrior," he whispers so softly only I can hear him. "Take the praise with your head high. You're his equal. Wear it with pride, princess."
I square my shoulders and bravely lift my head. I still don't feel like much of an equal to these warriors. In ways, I still feel like the outcast I've been for most of my life. But when Stephan grins at me, pride in his eyes, and Damrion smiles as if he's proud too…I feel a little less like the weird friendless girl I was, and a little more like a Valkyrie worthy of the company I now keep.
"Are you finished eating?" Stephan asks a few minutes later, nodding his head at my empty bowl.
I nod, pushing it away from me.
He immediately rises to his feet, holding his hand out for me.
I take it without question, eager to be alone with him again. The nights aren't nearly long enough when the days are so full of things determined to keep us apart. Between the varulv, the Bifröst, fortifying the village, taking care of Ing, and the thousand other things wrestling for our time and attention…well, we snatch what time we can from the broken hands of a racing clock.
Stephan pulls me up from the table into his arms, glancing down at Ing. "Ing, come."
The wolf ignores him, his tail twitching as he gnaws on the few scraps of meat still clinging to the bone.
"Leave him," Marion murmurs. "I'll make sure he gets back to the house safely."
"Are you sure?" I ask, chewing on my bottom lip. Things between her and I have improved drastically since I confessed my guilt. I feel closer to her than ever—to each of my sisters, honestly. They've become my rocks, lending me strength when mine fails. Getting to do the same for them in return is beautiful in a way I never knew it could be. I appreciat it so much more than they know…appreciate them more than they can understand.
"I'm sure." She smiles up at me. "Go. He'll be fine with us."
I nod gratefully. My sisters have quickly fallen in love with Ing. The wolf will never admit it, but I think the feeling is mutual. He's ambivalent toward the warriors, but there's a…softness in his mind when he thinks about my sisters. He likes them.