Until Harmony Read Online Aurora Rose Reynolds (Until Her #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Until Her Series by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 79583 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 398(@200wpm)___ 318(@250wpm)___ 265(@300wpm)

“Shhh, it’s okay,” he whispers, his big hand running down my hair and my back.

“I was so scared.”

“I know, Angel but you’re okay. It’s okay.” He kisses my hair, and I wrap my arms around his waist as tightly as I can. Even as he shifts back to reach his phone when it rings, I don’t let him get far. “Yeah, I got her. She’s shaking, but she’s okay. We’re at the gas station at the corner of Main and Vermont,” he says, and I know instantly he’s talking to my dad. “Didn’t see anyone. Have someone check the tapes at the hospital. Yeah. Good. Right. See you soon.” He shifts again, and I look up at him when his fingers touch my chin.

“It’s gonna be okay.”



“Okay,” I repeat, dropping my forehead to his chest as a fresh wave of tears climbs up my throat. I don’t try to fight them; I let them fall. Hearing sirens, and seeing lights through my closed lids, I open my eyes and watch two police cruisers pull into the parking lot. Then I watch the officers start to get out of their cars.

Scanning the men as they get close, my eyes land on my cousin Cobi. He moved home about a year ago and joined the police force in town after being discharged from the military, where he was a military police officer. I haven’t seen him much since he’s been back; no one has. I watch his eyes come to me and his jaw go hard, and then I see his eyes go to Harlen as he lifts his chin while the other men stand back.

“Did you guys see anyone?” Harlen asks.

Cobi shakes his head. “After we knew you were with her, we spread out. Didn’t find anything,” he says, then his eyes come back to me. “You sure you were being followed?”

“I…” I pull in a breath then shake my head. “I don’t know. I thought so, but now I don’t know,” I admit, and his face softens.

“Someone needs to check the tapes at the hospital,” Harlen orders, his body going tense against mine.

“Already on it,” Cobi agrees, then he turns his head as my dad’s truck pulls into the lot and he parks.

As soon as Dad’s out his door, his worry-filled eyes come to me, and Harlen shifts, pulling me off the trunk. Before my feet even touch the ground, my dad’s arms wrap around me. “You okay?”

“Yes,” I whisper, hugging him back just as tightly.

“Don’t worry me like that again,” he demands, and I attempt to smile but it feels forced.

“I’ll try not to,” I agree.

He pulls back to look down at me before he presses a kiss to my forehead. Keeping his arm wrapped around my shoulders, he turns us and claps Harlen on the shoulder then looks at Cobi. “Did you find anything?”

“Nothing,” Cobi replies, and Dad’s chest expands on a deep breath. “I’ll file a report, but right now, that’s all that can be done.”

“I’m gonna take Harmony home,” Harlen inserts, and my eyes go to him as he looks at my cousin. “Do you or your boys know how to ride?”

“Yeah,” Cobi says, and his answer surprises me.

“You mind getting my bike home for me?”

“Not at all.” Cobi grins, holding out his hand, and I watch Harlen hand over his key.

“You find anything, call my cell. Nico has my number,” he demands, and Cobi once again lifts his chin right before Harlen’s eyes come back to me and soften. “Come on, Angel. Let’s get you home.” He says gently and I look up at my dad.

“Go on, get some rest.” Dad squeezes me into his side then kisses my temple.

Taking Harlen’s hand, I let him lead me to the passenger side of my car and help me in, then slam the door. I put on my seat belt then watch him in the mirror talking to my dad and Cobi for a few minutes before he gives them a chin lift and opens the driver’s door, getting behind the wheel of my car, pushing the seat back as far as it can go, and adjusting the steering wheel.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper as he pulls out of the parking lot, and his eyes come to me.

“Sorry for what?”

“For this. I… I must have imagined it and freaked myself out.”

“Angel, you did or you didn’t. I’m glad you had the sense to call me,” he says, reaching over, picking up my hand, and bringing it back to his lap. “I’d rather be safe than sorry when it comes to your safety.”

I don’t agree or disagree. I stare out of the window, wondering if I imagined being followed then completely freaked myself out because of it.

As soon as we get home, I go inside and pick up Dizzy, who greets me at the door. I give him a cuddle then go to the bedroom. I change into a nightgown, go through my nightly routine, and get into bed. Resting my head on my pillow, I listen to Harlen shut down the house then watch him when he comes into the room, disappearing into the bathroom.


