Until Harmony Read Online Aurora Rose Reynolds (Until Her #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Until Her Series by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 79583 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 398(@200wpm)___ 318(@250wpm)___ 265(@300wpm)

“Harlen!” she cries out as her pussy starts to convulse. Fuck but hearing her, smelling her, seeing her come is enough to send me close to the edge. Sitting back, I wrap my hand around my cock and slowly slide my fingers from her, watching her eyes flutter open and attempt to focus on mine. “I need you,” she whispers, lifting her hips.

“You’ll get me, baby,” I tell her, rubbing the head of my dick through her folds then I grit my teeth as I slowly sink into her. Her legs wrap around the back of my thighs and her hands wrap around my back and slide down to my ass, pulling me close. I drop forward, sliding my hand under her ass, pulling her hips up into mine as I drop my mouth to hers. “Perfect, so fucking perfect,” I breathe against her mouth, as I pull out and thrust in slow, over and over, her pussy pulling me right back in every time I slide out.

“I love you,” she pants, and I lace our fingers together, pulling them up above her head and giving her my weight, which she takes without complaint, holding me closer and tighter. We work in perfect sync, my hips thrusting into hers, her hips circling until it starts to build.

“Jesus.” I speed up and lean back to look down at her beautiful face then slide my hand out from under her. I place my thumb to her clit, circling, listening to her whimper and moan as her pussy starts to contract. Her already drenched heat gets hotter and wetter. Feeling her start to come again, I lean forward and take her mouth as my hips start to jerk and my spine starts to tingle. Coming hard, I plant myself deep inside of her, and her limbs tighten around me, her hands moving over my back and up through my hair. “I love you too.” I kiss her collarbone then lean back to look into her eyes. “What do you say we shower then get in the hot tub?”

“Really?” she whispers, and I grin.

“Yeah, really, come on.” I pull out of her, kiss her stomach, and then get off the bed, dragging her with me toward the bathroom. Walking into the shower that has just a short glass wall separating it from the rest of the bathroom, I turn on the water and pull her in with me, making quick work of cleaning us both up.

Once we’re done, I shut off the water and wrap a towel around her. “I’ll uncover the hot tub. Be right back.” I kiss her, leaving her where she is while walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my hips. Sliding open the door in the bedroom, the cold air hits my skin. I push past the shock of it and walk the three feet across the deck to pull off the cover on the hot tub, turning on the lights and the jets. I go back into the bedroom, dig through my bag for what I need, and then go into the bathroom, seeing it’s empty. I start to go in search of her, but just as I hit the stairs, I see her climbing them, carrying a bottle of champagne.

“I didn’t bring glasses.” She waves the bottle at me. “I figured we could drink right out of the bottle.” She grins, and I smile, taking the bottle from her, and then I twist off the metal and pop the cork.

“Fair warning: it’s fucking cold out, baby,” I tell her, as I open the door and step out onto the deck with her at my back.

“Oh my God.” She laughs, running past me, climbing the steps quickly, and then ripping off her towel at the last second before taking a seat in the hot, steaming water.

Chuckling, I hand her the bottle of champagne, strip off my towel, and then get in with her, watching her eyes roam up my thighs, cock, and chest. Once I’m seated, I pull her across the space between us to straddle my lap.

“Hold on a sec.” I steal the bottle of champagne from her before she can take a drink, and set it on the side of the hot tub. Taking her hips in my hands, I look up at her. “Do you love me?”

“Yes,” she whispers, smiling as her eyes search mine, her hands coming up to rest on either side of my neck.

“Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?”

“Yes,” she repeats on another whisper, her body melting deeper into mine.

“Will you marry me?” I ask, taking her left hand in mine and sliding the ring on her finger, feeling her body tighten.

“Harlen.” Her voice shakes, and I look up at her, finding her eyes on the ring. The perfect ring for her, a five-carat cushion-cut diamond with a halo of smaller diamonds around it, set in platinum. My mom’s diamond. Big, but not too big, low enough profile that she should have no problem wearing it at work while taking off gloves and putting them on.


