Until Harmony Read Online Aurora Rose Reynolds (Until Her #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Until Her Series by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 79583 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 398(@200wpm)___ 318(@250wpm)___ 265(@300wpm)

“Your mom says she’s never seen you as happy as when she saw you with him.” God, I love my mom. I close my eyes, and he grabs my chin, shaking it gently. “Are you happy?”

“Yes.” I open my eyes back up and meet his gaze. “I’m happy.”

“Then I’ll find a way to deal.” He lets go of my chin and sits back.

“That easy?” I ask, and he shrugs his big shoulders.

“Tried to convince him three times to move on, and three times he’s told me what he’s thought of my suggestion. So I’m guessing he’s determined to be around a while.”

“Seriously, Dad?” My eyes narrow and he smiles.

“What? It didn’t work.” He shrugs, now grinning. “If it had worked, he wouldn’t have been worth your time anyway.”

Even though he has a point, I still continue to glare at him. “No more trying to scare him off, Dad. All it does is annoy him and piss him off.”

“He means that much to you, like I said, I’ll find a way to deal,” he says, and my eyes soften.

“Please give him a chance. I don’t know the future, or know what will happen between us, but what we have feels good. And I don’t want to feel like I’m choosing between the two of you.”

“You’d choose me, right?” he prompts, and for the first time in my life, the answer to that question isn’t an immediate yes. The truth is, I don’t know what I would do if I was forced to pick between Harlen and my dad, and I hope I never have to find out. Reading my expression, he mutters, “Fuck,” rubbing his jaw.

“I love you, Dad.”

“Love you too. But if he fucks you over, you get no say in the way I handle him.”

“Dad,” I sigh, shaking my head.

“Nope, that’s my stipulation,” he says firmly, in a tone I know all too well.

“Fine,” I mutter, rolling my eyes toward the ceiling.

When my eyes roll back down, I find him grinning. “So, when do I get to come over for breakfast?”

“Never,” I answer, and he kicks my foot with his boot and smiles at me. Seeing that smile, I stand up and give him a hug, and as soon as his arms close tight around me, I know we’re good.

“You got time to have lunch with your old man?” he asks, and I let him go and smile.

“Yep, but you’re buying.” I pick up my purse and settle it over my shoulder as he stands, bringing his coffee with him.

“When don’t I buy?”

“I don’t know.” I laugh, listening to him chuckle as we head out of the coffee shop. Tossing his arm around my shoulders when we hit the sidewalk, I feel his lips touch the side of my head, and my arm around his waist squeezes tight. Nope, I hope I never ever have to choose between him and Harlen.

Chapter 7


“DO NOT COME.” HARLEN’S harsh breath growls against my ear as he thrusts back into me hard, causing my own breath to hitch and my core to spasm.

“Harlen,” I whimper, close, so close, yet then again, I’ve been close for a while now. But each time I’m almost there, he changes positions, throwing me off balance and forcing me to build back up to it again.

“Don’t come,” he repeats, sliding his hand around my hip and zeroing in on my clit with outstanding accuracy.

“Oh God!” I cry out, and my head flies back when his fingers from one hand swirl as his other hand smacks my ass hard, so hard it sends a wave of pleasure through me. “Fuck! Take me.”

He speeds up his thrusts, and I bite my lip, trying to counteract the building pressure between my legs. “Up.” His hand slides up my hip and side then wraps under my breast, pulling me up to my knees. Licking over my shoulder, neck, then ear, he nips my earlobe. “Mouth.” I turn my head and open my mouth under his, and his tongue sweeps between my parted lips.

Whimpering down his throat, I slide my hand down his arm and join my fingers with his at my clit. “Honey, please,” I breathe against his mouth, hearing him groan.

“Come for me.” His fingers and hips pick up speed while the hand under my breast slides up. Two fingers pluck my nipple, and send a shot of heat right between my legs. My hips buck hard against his and my head falls backward against his shoulder. I turn my head and give him my mouth, coming as the tip of his tongue touches mine. I feel his hips jerk erratically then he plants himself deep, keeping himself there as he comes and groans against my tongue.

Breathing heavy, feeling my heart pounding against my rib cage, I smile against his lips then whisper there, “We beat the clock.”


