Undone (Double D Ranch #1) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Double D Ranch Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 91288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 456(@200wpm)___ 365(@250wpm)___ 304(@300wpm)

“He did. He also made my bedroom furniture. I bought some of his pieces for the lodge, too.”

“That had to set you back.”

Dylan nodded. “It did, but the man is a true artist and craftsman. He was happy I bought almost everything he had stored in his barn, and I was happy to support another local business. With the amount I purchased, he won’t have any problem paying his bills for a while.”

After that, Dylan might. But Erin was sure Callum was ecstatic to have spare cash in his pocket. “That’s great. Can I see it?”

“Sure. I was planning on giving you the whole tour, anyway. This way…” He headed toward a closed door off the living room.

She thought it would be his bedroom. Instead, they entered a huge bathroom.

She blinked as she took it all in.

It was a bathroom she could only dream about. The huge glass shower stall had multiple shower heads. She wondered why he had two metal handrails attached to the walls since she was damn sure Dylan didn’t need help keeping his balance while showering. It also was equipped with a built-in bench he could use if, for some reason, he had a difficult time standing while sudsing up.

Dylan was fit and healthy. He wasn’t an eighty-year-old needing assistance in the shower. That meant those extra features had other purposes.

“Do you plan on having a party in there?”

“You never know.”

She glanced over her shoulder to find him staring at her with his expression locked down.

It hit her then…

Dylan was the architect that designed the whole ranch. He designed the playrooms on the second floor of the event hall. He designed this space.

“Dylan…” she started.

“Whatever you’re about to ask, I’d prefer you didn’t.”

She would respect that. “I guess I’ll make my own conclusions.”

“You would, whether I answered or not. It’s human nature.”

“It’s also human nature to be curious.”

In front of the only window in the room was a simply designed but beautiful free-standing tub large enough for two adults. As she inspected it, she trailed her fingers along the curved porcelain edge. When she noticed the jets, she realized it was more than a typical soaking tub. “I would kill for this tub. The shower. Actually, the whole bathroom.”

“No reason for murder. I could design one for you. You only need to ask.”

Again, zero humor in his tone. “While that’s very generous of you, I couldn’t afford to build it, even if you designed one for me for free.”

“I’m sure Ford could help.”

She mmm’d. She didn’t want to get dragged back into a conversation about her relationship with Ford. Instead, she drifted toward a partially opened door. This one most likely led into his bedroom. She pointed at it. “This way next?”


As she walked in that direction, she asked, “You only have one bathroom?”

“It’s all I need. If I need to entertain a bunch of guests, I have the whole resort at my fingertips.”

“True.” After pushing the door open wider, she stepped through, and her feet stuttered to a stop.

If she thought the bathroom was impressive, the bedroom...

Holy smokes. It was clearly meant for more than only sleeping.

She recognized the tantric chaise occupying one corner. Ford had a similar one in his bedroom, and they had used it often.

The enormous wood-framed bed, wider than a king, had thick, sturdy hand-crafted posts and headboard. Nothing looked delicate about it. Not only was it masculine and fit the updated look of the farmhouse, but…

Immediately, Erin saw it for what it was. A bed that could be turned into a sexual playground. She scanned it for hooks or eyebolts, but if the bed had any, they were hidden well.

The room also had a whole wall of built-in cabinets. Cabinets that could be used for storing clothes, shoes or other objects. Or for hiding secrets. Like toys.

“I love the built-ins.”

“They’re convenient,” was all he said.

She bet they were. To the average eye, Dylan’s bedroom looked very masculine and very bachelor-ish, since even an ounce of feminine touch was missing from the decor.

When she turned, he was once again close. And once again, her heart began to beat rapidly. Not due to fear, but the opposite.

She lost her train of thought as he stepped even closer. She had space to escape, if needed, but was surprised to find she didn’t want to. Truthfully, she was thrown off by how her body was reacting to his being only inches away.

“You look good, Erin,” he murmured, with his serious face tipped down to hers.

“You already said that.”

“Worth repeating.” He fingered one of the straps on her sundress. Doing so caused him to make contact with her skin, in turn, causing goosebumps. “The sundress fits you perfectly. At first glance you look wholesome, but I have a feeling that could be the farthest from the truth.”


