Unbondable Read online Evangeline Anderson (Kindred Birthright #1)

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Kindred Birthright Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 67092 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 335(@200wpm)___ 268(@250wpm)___ 224(@300wpm)

“Raak!” she gasped, moaning his name like a prayer. “Oh Goddess, that feels so good.”

“That’s right, baby girl,” he growled, feeling her spasm around his fingers again. “That’s right, give it up. Give it all up for me and let yourself come as hard as you need to.”

She moaned again, her breasts thrusting out as her back arched in pleasure and Raak took the opportunity to capture one tight pink nipple and lave it with his tongue. Kara gasped and pressed against him, giving herself up completely to the pleasure of his touch, letting herself go in a way that made his heart ache almost as much as his shaft.

Gods, she was so innocent, so trusting, Raak thought. No other female would have trusted an Unbondable to pleasure them without taking what they weren’t willing to give. But Kara trusted him and gave herself up to him completely and without reservation.

Raak swore to himself he wouldn’t betray that trust, no matter how much he might want her.

At last she collapsed, panting, with her head on his shoulder.

“Oh,” she whispered in his ear. “I…I’ve never come so hard in my life.”

“You’re not the only one, baby girl,” Raak told her, stroking her back.

“Really?” She sat up and looked at him. “You, uh, came too?”

“The minute you bit me and then twice more,” Raak admitted. “Shot off in my pants like a damn kid. Couldn’t help myself.”

“Then I do have essence, after all,” Kara remarked. “It’s the pale blue chemical compound that Blood Kindred—male Blood Kindred, anyway—inject into the female they want to, uh, bond…” She turned pink suddenly. “I mean, not that I was trying to…you know, Claim you.”

“I know, baby girl.” Raak shrugged. “It wouldn’t matter even if you had been trying to Claim me. I’m Unbondable—remember?”

For a moment he felt a rush of regret for that fact. But then he pushed it to the back of his mind. After all, he had no soul so he couldn’t be sorry he wouldn’t be able to share his life with a female—not even a sweet, curvy, luscious, smart-as-a-whip female like Kara—right?

Right, he told himself firmly. So don’t even think about it.

Kara was still looking at him a bit anxiously.

“Um, right,” she said at last. “Of course. But thank you for letting me bite you, just the same.”

Her prim little thank-you speech after the hot sexual encounter they had just shared cracked Raak up for some reason and he started to laugh.

Kara’s lips twitched uncertainly and then she started laughing too. She had a sweet, musical laugh that Raak liked at once. Hearing it made him laugh even harder.

“What…what’s so funny?” she finally managed to ask, wiping tears from her eyes. “Why are we laughing?”

“Because—you thanking me so prim and proper like that, when both of us just came so hard we’re nearly cross-eyed and I still have my fingers deep in your sweet little pussy,” he explained, still chuckling.

“Oh!” Kara looked down and her cheeks got pink with a blush. “You, uh, you do, don’t you?” she murmured and Raak could tell she wasn’t sure how to handle the situation at all. He supposed they didn’t teach proper young ladies on the Mother Ship how to ask a male to remove his fingers from her honey pot once they were done with the loving.

Taking pity on her, he slipped his fingers out without another word, and brought them to his face, still wet with her honey.

“Oh…” Kara looked at him uncertainly. “What are you…?”

“Scenting you,” Raak told her. Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply, taking in her fresh, sweet scent and loving it. “Gods, baby girl, you smell so damn good,” he growled, looking at Kara.

“I…I do?” she looked down at him, wide-eyed.

“Uh-huh. Let’s see if you taste as good as you smell,” Raak growled, and sucked his fingers into his mouth.

Her juices were sweet and salty and perfect, just like Kara herself, he thought. Damned if he didn’t have the urge to put her on her back, spread her legs, and taste her honey straight from the source!

But Raak knew if he went that far, he’d want to go farther. And he couldn’t let himself do that—couldn’t take Kara’s virginity and change the color of her eyes when he couldn’t offer her anything in return.

So he contented himself with slowly sucking her sweet juices off his fingers while he held her gaze with his, never looking away as he tasted her honey.

“Raak,” she whispered at last, but then seemed to not know what to say.

Raak finally drew his fingers out of his mouth.

“Delicious,” he growled, letting her know exactly how much he loved her secret flavor. “You have the sweetest pussy honey I’ve ever tasted, baby girl.”

“Oh, um…” Kara turned bright red and bit her lip…which resulted in her giving a little cry of pain.


