Unbondable Read online Evangeline Anderson (Kindred Birthright #1)

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Kindred Birthright Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 67092 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 335(@200wpm)___ 268(@250wpm)___ 224(@300wpm)

He was a Prime, like Aunt Zeelah and Uncle Grennly, since he had no fangs and his bony shoulders were narrow, unlike a Kindred males would be. He was dressed like Uncle Grennly in a furry orange tharp-kilt and boots but he pulled off the look much better. Maybe because he had a full head of silver-gray hair and an important air about him. He was also carrying a small black bag which looked made to hold medical instruments.

Dr. ThrobGood—that must be him, Kara thought. But what is he doing here so late? Or is it early?

She frowned. Aunt Zeelah had told her that they had made her an early appointment with the doctor. Had she overslept? Or was it still the middle of the night?

Kara checked the chronometer on her arm, which she had set to Tranq Prime time when she got to the planet’s surface. Sure enough, it was three o’clock in the morning, which meant she had been sleeping only about five hours. What was going on?

She started to go out and ask—maybe announce her presence and explain that their talking had woken her and she had decided to introduce herself to the doctor. But something stopped her. Maybe it was the lingering effects of her strange dream but she decided to hang back a bit and listen to what was being said.

“I’ve never performed the procedure on a female before,” Dr. ThrobGood was saying to her aunt and uncle. “I never dreamed I’d be called to do it. A female with fangs—Gods, what an abomination!”

“Yes, Doctor, we quite agree. So you can imagine how desperately we need your help.” Her Aunt Zeelah leaned forward, clasping her hands pleadingly.

“And how much we are relying on your discretion,” Uncle Grennly added grimly. “If anyone found out the girl is related to us…”

“Social suicide.” Aunt Zeelah threw up her hands dramatically. “That’s what it would be—social suicide!”

“Of course you can trust me to be discrete.” The doctor nodded his distinguished looking silver-gray head. He hesitated for a moment. “You do realize there may be…side effects, though?”

Side effects? Kara’s heart began to pound. What was he talking about?

“Side effects?” Uncle Greenly said, echoing her thought. “What do you mean?”

“Well, when we do this procedure on a Kindred male it tends to neuter them sexually. The fangs are inextricably tied to the sex drive in a Blood Kindred.”

They are? Kara thought wildly. But when she considered it, the doctor’s statement made sense. Wasn’t biting seen as a sexual act? And when her fangs throbbed and ached to bite a male, didn’t her pussy also throb and her nipples get tight? Yes, her fangs were definitely a sexual part of her.

“It’s very possible that extraction of the fangs may have the same effect on your niece,” Doctor ThrobGood continued. “She may be unable to experience sexual desire after the fangs are taken out.”

Extraction? Fangs taken out? Kara felt sick. All her nice daydreams of a kindly old doctor giving her cream to rub on her fangs to make them shrink were rapidly imploding. As much as she hated the effect her fangs had on the people around her, they were still a part of her. She didn’t want them removed—she just wanted them to be less noticeable.

What the doctor was talking about sounded drastic…not to mention painful. She’d had a tooth pulled once when she was younger and it had not been a pleasant experience. And her fangs were different from the rest of her teeth—they were so much more sensitive, so much more important somehow.

Kara put a hand to her mouth protectively. She felt as though she’d come out in the middle of the night and heard her relatives talking about giving her a clitorectomy—a female circumcision—as some of the primitive tribes down on Earth used to do, or something awful like that. How could they seriously be thinking about killing her sex drive without even asking her first?

But then it got worse.

“She may even be unable to conceive children,” Doctor ThrobGood continued. “I have no way of knowing but I would surmise that the extraction of her fangs might seriously jeopardize your niece’s chances of reproducing.”

“Well, that’s no great loss.” Aunt Zeelah waved a hand as though shooing away an annoying fly. “After all, who wants more fanged females running around? Really, we’d be doing her and the entire universe a service.”

Kara couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Were they serious? She’d thought her aunt and uncle liked her. How could they feel this way? That she was an abomination that ought to be neutered for her own good? What was wrong with them?

“Personally, I feel the same way—it’s irresponsible to allow such a person to breed and possibly pass on her mutation. So if you’re willing to sign the papers of consent on her behalf, then I’ll be more than happy to perform the extraction,” Doctor ThrobGood said. He reached into his bag and pulled out a roll of parchment and a writing instrument.


