Two Thousand Promises (Kings of Chaos #5) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: Kings of Chaos Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 65856 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 329(@200wpm)___ 263(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)

“Got it.”

As Huli was pulling away, Xiao Dan jerked him close again, slamming their chests together. He captured the fox’s mouth in a brief but bruising kiss that lit a fire in those shining amber eyes.

“Be careful,” he admonished.

“Of course. I want many more of those.”

Xiao Dan hesitated long enough to see Huli maneuver his way through the crowd. Fox ears sprouted from the top of his head, and with each step, a new tail appeared. Humans and magical creatures both gasped as he passed by. Some remarked on his amazing costume, but others watched him with their mouths hanging open. Huli always had to make an impact wherever he was.

What did it matter if they figured out it wasn’t a costume? The fae had already opened their eyes to the long hidden world. And they were going to see much more if they couldn’t get Min out of there quickly and quietly.

Xiao Dan cut through the crowd, returning to the table where Rafe and Philippe were getting to their feet. He planted both palms on the table and leaned in toward Chen. “Min just arrived. Huli is moving to intercept her.” He glanced over his shoulder at Rafe and Philippe. “Do you have a back exit? Chen and Moon can circle around and catch her before she can escape.”

“Yes, I can show the way,” Rafe replied. He grabbed Philippe’s hand and squeezed. “Tell Lola the situation. Help her keep things calm in here.”

“I will. Ryder should also be here by now. I’ll get his help as well.”

“What about you?” Chen asked as he slid to his feet.

“I’m going to support Huli any way I can.”

His clan mate and oldest companion gave him a single wordless nod prior to running off with Moon and Rafe, while Philippe hurried to the bar where he had last seen Lola.

With their support in place, Xiao Dan could turn his full attention to his mate. Hurrying as fast as he could along the edge of the crowd in the center of the room, he worked his way closer to the bar and the main entrance.

Despite the ear-splitting music and flashing lights, no one was dancing. Most people had turned to watch the figure with the multiple fox tails as he stared at the blond woman at the top of the short flight of stairs. The low burble of conversation sounded curious, but it held an edge as if it could all shift to panic in the blink of an eye.

“How convenient,” Min purred as her gaze fell on Xiao Dan behind Huli. “You’ve come to your senses and delivered yourself to me.” She winked, the left corner of her bright-red lips rising in a smirk. “I promise it won’t hurt a bit.”

“Xiao Dan is off-limits,” Huli snarled. “You’re not allowed anywhere near him.”

“Let’s take our business outside, Min,” Xiao Dan suggested. “There’s no reason to include these people.”

Min’s smirk turned into a wicked grin as she stared out at the crowd, who was watching her and Huli as if they were putting on a show. A chill ran across Xiao Dan’s skin, and a knot tightened in his stomach. He’d just said the worst possible thing.

“Why should I? Will you hand over your soul to save their lives?”

Yep. Very worst thing possible.

“I’m giving you this one chance to walk away from here, Min,” Huli warned.

“Ha! For old times’ sake?”

“No. So Gege doesn’t think I’m a complete monster.”

“Never,” Xiao Dan swore.

His mate shrugged one slender shoulder. “I guess that settles it.”

Huli lunged at Min, shapeshifting from partial human to full fox with all his glorious tails flowing behind him. Min darted out of the way, also losing her human guise in favor of her white fox form.

Huli pivoted on his back paws and gave chase while the rest of the club fell into pandemonium. Screams drowned out the music as people rushed for the exits. The only ones who seemed to linger were the handful of vampires who’d been present within the crowd. They retreated to the edges of the vast room and dark corridors reserved for the staff.

“What are they?”


“Not like any shifters I’ve ever seen.”

“They’re fae.”

Those two words rumbled through the crowd, threatening to stop Xiao Dan’s heart cold.

“They’re not fae!” he barked at the gathering of vampires on his left. “They are nine-tailed fox spirits. Powerful magical creatures who are hundreds of years old.”

“But not fae?” a blond vampire, dressed as what Xiao Dan assumed was a sexy mailman, repeated. Americans were so strange.

“Dude!” His companion punched him in the shoulder. “He said spirits. They’re like ghosts.”

Thankfully, Philippe and Lola rushed over to save him from this conversation as Huli tackled Min into a set of stools surrounding a tall, round table. The wooden clatter and breaking furniture filled the room and set Xiao Dan’s teeth on edge.


