Touch of Hate Read Online J.L. Beck, Cassandra Hallman

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Forbidden, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 132
Estimated words: 125465 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 627(@200wpm)___ 502(@250wpm)___ 418(@300wpm)

“This is much better than taking a cold shower alone,” I whisper, almost laughing. I can’t even count the number of cold showers I’ve taken in my life.

“Hmm?” Scarlet’s voice is soft and a little dazed, like she’s still caught up in the whole post-sex haze, her cheek resting against my chest while steam billows around us.

I can’t pretend I’m not glad. It’s gratifying as hell, being the man who took her to those heights. Finally.

She’s mine, all of her.

She’ll never look at another man, knowing what I can do to her. And she will never forget what happened today, not as long as she lives.

It was good for her, and that’s all I wanted. For her not to look back in regret, the way so many people do when they remember their first time. She’s not some random woman to me. She’s worth so much more than that.

“It’s nicer taking a shower with you than it is to punish myself with icy water, so I’ll stop wanting you so much.” I run the soapy cloth over her back in slow circles—probably too slow, come to think of it.

At this rate, we’ll run out of hot water, but I can’t bring myself to rush. Not when I finally have everything I’ve ever asked for.

“You did that?” She pushes away from my chest until there’s room to look up at me. Bewilderment flickers in her eyes. “People take literal cold showers? I thought that was a myth.”

“I do—or I did.” I correct myself. Not anymore. Not now.

I have her, completely, and I intend to make the most of that from now on. Of course, I won’t be taking her again for a few days, but once she’s acclimated to sex, I’ll do whatever I can to satisfy my appetite for her.

She leans against me again, and I continue washing her while the hot water holds out. It’s the thought of the icy needles hitting her that keeps me moving when I’d really like to make her suck me off. Note to self: see what, if anything, can be done about upgrading the water heater.

As it turns out, the shower begins to run cool, so I turn off the taps. She shivers, rubbing her arms to warm herself while I reach for one of the towels waiting on the edge of the sink. I wrap her in it, tightening it around her.

“Go out to the kitchen so you can dry off by the stove.”

She wastes no time—the sound of her happy groan once she’s in the warm kitchen makes me laugh before I join her, drying off as I do. I’m less worried about the cold, but Scarlet is fragile. I don’t want her to go without anything.

“Let me help you with that.” Taking the towel, I finish drying her, then turn my attention to her hair.

“This is nice,” she murmurs from under the towel, and I don’t know whether she’s talking about the warmth from the stove or having me shower and dry her off. It doesn’t matter. She’s happy, and I want to keep her that way. I’d do anything to keep her smiling and feeling good.

If only there wasn’t the sense of betraying my brother throughout all of this. My loyalties hang in the balance here, and I can’t help but wonder what River would think of our slice of domestic bliss.

I doubt he’s ever experienced anything close to love, not with the way he hates being around other people unless it’s necessary.

We’ve both suffered tremendously.

I’m sure a psychologist would have a field day, shrinking our brains and studying the ways our shared trauma shaped us into who we are now.

“Okay, I think it’s as dry as it’s going to get it.”

Scarlet giggles and ducks from beneath the towel before snatching it away. I must’ve zoned out. “I’m going to need a brush. Or a comb.”

“You can use mine for now,” I offer on my way to the bedroom.

Yet another item she’s missing. I should make a list before going out to town—no, on second thought, she’ll need to come with me.

I can’t leave her alone here.

I want to trust her, but she’s only human. And I’ve witnessed enough of her schemes when she was a kid to know how her mind works. She might not get it in her head to run away, but she’s a curious little cat. I have no doubt she’d at least wander outside. What if she gets lost? Or hurt?

Nobody ever told me how stressful it would be, finally getting the one thing I’ve always wanted. The one person. She’s my responsibility and a hundred times more precious than she ever was before, now that I’ve claimed her body along with her heart.

“Sit.” With a towel around my waist, I pull one of the kitchen chairs close to the stove and take a seat before leaning back to fish a rubber band from the junk drawer. “I’ll braid your hair for you.”


