Tongue-Tied – Franklin U Read Online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 72060 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 360(@200wpm)___ 288(@250wpm)___ 240(@300wpm)

Her eyebrows knit together. “My gut?”

“Listening to it. It’s not perfect, but more times than not, you recognize the red flags and ignore them.” Mom averts her eyes, likely because she knows I’m right. “And I know it’s because you believe in love and good intentions and all that, but there’s got to come a point where you respect yourself enough to walk away.”

Fresh tears begin rolling down her cheeks, and I step forward. “I’m sorry if what I said⁠—”

“No, everything you said is true.” She swipes at her eyes with the tissue. “Instead of wondering if I’m right for them, I need to ask myself if they’re right for me.”

I smile. “That’s the spirit.”

I watch her drive off, feeling melancholy and hopeful all at once.

Back in my room, I spot the bag I abandoned earlier.

“Damn it, the flowers.”

They’re beginning to wilt, so I lift them out of the bag and find them some water.



I walk out of the bookstore on a high after meeting a favorite author and being able to chat with her because of the VIP pass.

“That was probably the highlight of my year,” I say to Angelica’s friend, Luna, who showed up at the signing at the last minute and sat near me when the author read a chapter of her book to the audience.

“Thanks for introducing me to her books,” Luna replies. “Kael mentioned you’d be attending the signing, but I didn’t imagine how crowded it would be. Glad I found you there.”

“Me too.” I wave as we part ways. “Catch you later.”

I can’t stop the grin splitting my lips, and I owe it all to Dex. I still can’t believe he surprised me with a ticket that no doubt cost a pretty penny. Though I wish he’d been with me, I can’t blame him that real life intruded, and Jodi needed him.

He was frustrated, that was obvious, but letting him off the hook about the date seemed to release his tension a little. Jodi’s awful dating life has always been a sticking point between them, and he’s been a shoulder to cry on one too many times. Suppose I’m lucky that my stepdad turned out to be amazing, or Mom might’ve found herself in a similar situation. Or maybe not. Regardless, dating and romance are tough out there, and I can relate.

When I get back to the dorm, Kael’s bed is empty, which doesn’t surprise me. He said he’d be going over to Angelica’s tonight.

I’m about to get changed when there’s a soft knock on my door.

I pull it open to see Dex standing there. “What…are you okay?”

He produces a vase of poppies from behind his back. Well, not really a vase, more like a tall plastic cup, but good enough.

“I forgot to give you these.” He frowns. “Not that I had the opportunity.”

“Thank you.” I let him inside, my stomach all mushy at his thoughtfulness. “How’s your mom?”

“Better, I think.” He sighs. “She left a bit ago.”

I set the flowers on my desk. “What was that all about?”

“Take a wild guess.”

“Her latest ex?”

“Bingo.” He sinks down on my bed. “Is it ever about anything else? I just wish she’d take a breather and learn how to be alone so she can see it’s not so bad.”

I sit beside him. “I know you do.”

“I’m sorry the date was ruined.” His eyes are soft and searching. “Tell me about it?”

We lie on my bed, which is a tight fit but feels like old times. I tell him how the VIPs had their own private Q and A session with her. Afterward, I waited in line so she could sign my books.

“She was so kind and down-to-earth.” I sigh dreamily. “It was amazing. Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome. Just wish I could’ve been there for you.” He makes a frustrated sound, his muscles wound tight. I rarely see him this out of sorts. He’s good at letting shit go, but apparently tonight is really sticking with him.

I sit up. “Hey, how about we pretend this is the end of our date.”

The corners of his mouth turn down. “But I missed the best parts.”

“Maybe not,” I reply, climbing on the bed and settling behind him.

“What are you—oh fucking God.” Starting with his shoulders, I begin massaging the knots I feel in his muscles. “Why does that feel so good?”

“Because you’re so damned tense.” I keep my hands moving, trying to go down his back, but the material gets in the way. “Take this off so I can show you my skills.”

He lifts his shirt over his head and deposits it on the floor. “Are these new skills? Why have we never done this before?”

“No clue, but just go with it.”

I try to concentrate on working out his tension, ignoring how his skin pebbles everywhere I touch. He groans as my fingers rub a path along his waistband. “I’d ask you to take these off too, if you’re up for it.”


