Thin Ice (The Elmwood Stories #4) Read Online Lane Hayes

Categories Genre: M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Elmwood Stories Series by Lane Hayes

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 79621 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 398(@200wpm)___ 318(@250wpm)___ 265(@300wpm)

So I did. I hovered my lips at his crown and flicked my tongue at his slit before opening wide to swallow him whole.

Holy shit. This was heaven. I’d missed giving blowjobs so damn much.

I bobbed over his pole, twisting my wrist and jacking him as I worked him over. I sucked with gusto, covering every inch of him with my lips, my mouth, my tongue, my fingers…me. I wanted him to remember this, and I wanted the satisfaction of knowing I hadn’t lost vital pieces of myself altogether.

I took a breath and released him to shove my jeans over my ass and hopefully give my rigid cock some attention. Smitty stopped me with a hand on my forehead.

“No more?”

“I’m not gonna last if we don’t slow down. C’mere.” He licked his lips and pulled me to my feet. “I gotta touch you.”

He captured my mouth in a searing kiss and reached for my cock. I gasped at the contact, and inched away to watch the show as he pressed our flesh together and stroked us in unison. The contrast of rough friction, hard steel, and his soft lips brushing my temple was enough to light me up.

I could have come right then and there, but I was greedy tonight. If there was any way I could have more, I was going for it.

“Fuck me, Smitty. I want your cock.”

He went still for a beat, nodding like a puppet with a faulty string. “Yeah, yeah.”

Thank fuck.

“Bed,” I grunted, pushing him into the room.

We undressed in a rush and fell onto my bed in a tangled mess of limbs and lips, humping and grinding. We rolled sideways, kicking off the covers with our mouths fused, my arms around his neck, his hands on my ass. I shoved his chest playfully and straddled his thighs, pinning his wrists to the mattress. His gaze took on a dreamy sheen that gave me a boost of courage.

I tweaked his nipples and slid down his body, licking a path along his abs to the gorgeous V-line framing his cock. I settled between his legs and resumed stroking him. Smitty propped his head on a pillow to watch the show, bending his knees to give me room.

“Suck me some more,” he commanded.

No problem. I dove in, reacquainting myself with his dick, sucking, licking, pumping, and doing everything in my power to make him wild with need. I thought I was doing a decent job of it till I flicked my tongue under his sac and sort of, kind of accidentally grazed his entrance.

He tensed and tugged at my hair.

“No rimming?” I dragged my bearded jaw over his length and kissed his tip.

“No, that’s not it, but…I don’t bottom. Not that I would never do it. I just thought you wanted⁠—”

“I do.” I smirked as I jacked his cock and waggled my brows lasciviously. “I want this beast inside me.”

Smitty didn’t crack a smile at my over-the-top bedroom hijinks. Damn, I was making him nervous. I didn’t want that. I didn’t want this to be something either of us regretted.

He licked his lips and nodded. “Condom?”

I rolled off the bed. “Don’t go anywhere.”

I hurried to the bathroom and rustled through my toiletries for supplies. Traveling with lube and condoms was a true testament to my relentlessly optimistic nature. I squinted like a nearsighted squirrel to check the expiration dates on both, but the numbers were a blur. Ugh, I needed my glasses to read the fine print.

Forget the bad jokes. Nothing screamed “dad” louder than a gray-bearded naked man looking for his readers. Then again, nothing quite killed the moment like a hole in your rubber. I caught my reflection in the mirror, stroking myself as I weighed the embarrassment factor.

Screw my pride—safe sex for the win.

I padded into the room and made a beeline for the tortoise-rimmed readers I’d hooked on my discarded shirt pocket. I set them on my nose, pointedly ignoring my guest as I read the fine print. Phew. Good to go.

“Holy fuck, keep those glasses on,” Smitty growled, sitting up quickly. “Just when I thought you couldn’t possibly be any hotter, you hit me in my weak spot.”

“You like the glasses?”

“Fuck, yeah. Get over here.”

I widened my eyes and handed over two condoms and a small bottle of lube. “I, uh, wanted to check the expiration date.”

“Smart.” Smitty chuckled softly and motioned for me to lie down. He uncapped the lube and scooted close. “Listen, I’m rusty as hell here so if I do anything you don’t like, tell me and I’ll stop.”

“Okay.” I tore the latex wrapper open and set it on my stomach. “Are we done with the glasses?”

“No chance. The glasses stay.” He poured lube onto his fingers and bent to suck my cock while he fingered my hole.

Tension rolled away as I settled on the pillow and enjoyed the show. There was really nothing quite like watching a man intent on pleasuring you. Especially someone unexpected like Smitty. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I couldn’t believe how much I wanted him. And I couldn’t believe how good he was at this.


