The Wrath – Rise of the Warlords Read Online Gena Showalter

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 111898 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 559(@200wpm)___ 448(@250wpm)___ 373(@300wpm)

As he bit into his free arm, drawing blood, then shoved the wound against her mouth, Maximus approached.

“Is she okay?” the boy asked, hesitant.

“She will be.” Rathbone kissed her temple. “Take as much as you need, love.”

She drank greedily, gulping mouthfuls, and contentment infused him. This was a version of his dream he hadn’t computed until now. Nourishing his warrior woman, giving everything she needed.

He studied the boy, who stared at him, wide-eyed. A handsome lad, no doubt about it, with untapped potential. “I expect a full accounting. How and why are you both here? How did you get through the realm’s boundaries unscathed?”

“What boundaries?” Maximus demanded. “I flashed in without problem. But then, I’m me.” He rolled back his shoulders.

The barrier sensed the boy’s connection to Rathbone and allowed him to pass without incident?

Neeka freed her mouth from his flesh and lifted her head, crying, “Don’t be mad!” A flurry of movement, she twisted and wound herself around Rathbone, clinging to him like a vine. “I did it. I’m guilty. My plan was to sneak into Hades’s palace and visit with the goddess in the mirror without anyone else in the know. But I didn’t do it!”

“I see. Go on.”

“I changed my mind because I couldn’t bring myself to betray your trust,” she told him in a rush. “I had just turned around when I smacked into Maximus. Then Ahdán showed up. Then you arrived, helped me save the day, and forgave me.” She peeked at him through her thick fan of lashes. “Right? You forgive me?”

Infinitely tender, he kissed the racing pulse at the base of her neck. Whether she realized it or not, she’d chosen him over everything else. How could he be angry about that?

“Will you talk with me when you have a knowing from now on?” he asked. “Before you act?”

She nodded with enthusiasm. “I will, oracle’s honor.”

“Then I’ll admit there’s nothing to forgive. But I’ll still let you show me how apologetic you are at home. I’m sweet like that.”

“Wait. So you aren’t mad?”

“Not mad,” he confirmed.

“Dang. I really like you.”

He chuckled. “I really like you, too.”

Blasting pure defiance, Maximus bellowed, “I hate you both. I’m going to live with you, anyway, and let you train me to be undefeatable. What’s for dinner?”

* * *

“I guess I have a consort and stepson now.” Neeka crouched on the railing of a balcony, eating her version of popcorn, her attention on the ground below. She’d hung a mirror on the wall to her left, allowing her to converse with her reflection while watching Rathbone and Maximus enjoy a get-to-know-you sesh and trained. Though the sight of father and son working together gave her all the feels, the interaction wasn’t going well.

The pair had begun an hour ago; as soon as they’d returned to the palace, in fact. Maximus took every bit of instruction as a criticism, frustrating Rathbone.

“You also have an ex-husband who’s gonna rot in an Underworld prison until Rathbone is able to kill him for good,” Reflection replied. “Oh, and don’t forget the grumpy harpy housemate.”

“As if I could.” She and her handsome consort had fetched Daisy after they’d gotten Maximus settled. Neeka had forgotten her, but Rathbone hadn’t. “She kicked me out of her room to play with gadgets and gizmos. Who does that?”

“You when you’re making jewelry.”

Anyway. “What am I going to do about Lore and the Astra?”

“Relax and let our brilliance play out?”

Neeka winced as Maximus took a swing at Rathbone, missed, and tripped over his own feet. He came up swinging, missed again, and shouted vile insults. Rathbone just stood there, accepting the abuse.

When the kid quieted, the King of Agonies asked, “We’ll take a break, and you can tell me why you ceased aging.”

Ohhhh. Yes, please do. She returned her gaze to the boy, her superior harpy eyesight allowing her to easily read his lips.

“Hera paid a sorceress. Said she’d keep me at peak stupidity, so I’d impregnate anyone willing to climb into my bed. Which you would’ve figured out already if you had cared enough to visit.”

Rathbone flinched. “I was unaware of your existence.”

“Excuses!” Maximus took another swing. And missed. The cursing started up again.

“Did you do it? Impregnate anyone?”

“Not for lack of trying,” the kids replied, smug. “My little swimmers are too powerful. Eggs get ravaged.”

“Boo! Hiss!” Neeka threw a handful of lightly salted corn kernels at her family. “That’s disgusting, young man.”

Rathbone pinched the bridge of his nose. “Break time is over. The urge to hit you is too strong.”

Okay, back to business. “What should we offer Hades in exchange for a hobnob with Siobhan?” she asked Reflection.

“So relaxing is nixed? Just like that? Okay.”

“What about a coupon for one free makeover?”

“Maybe?” Reflection spread her arms. “I’ve tried reaching out, hoping to bypass Hades altogether, but it’s been a no go. I mean, she’s in a mirror, and I’m in a mirror, so there’s got to be a way to intersect.”


