The Wedding Wrecker Read Online Penelope Bloom

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Chick Lit, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 72586 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 363(@200wpm)___ 290(@250wpm)___ 242(@300wpm)

“James,” I gasped, breath hitching as I felt myself hooking one leg around him and trying to pull him into me.

“I’d make you come so hard for me you’d be ruined,” he continued, planting a soft kiss on my earlobe, and then my neck. “I’d fill you so deep you would worry you’re about to burst, and then you’d come so hard everybody in the entire resort would hear us. And you’d be too far gone to care. You’d only beg me for more. You’d⁠—”

“Hey!” a voice called. “How did you get in there? You can’t be out here!”

James pulled back, eyes lit with mischief. “I think we’re going to have to abandon our clothes and make a run for it.”

“What?” I asked.

James vaulted out of the pool, then reached a dripping hand toward me. “Come on, unless you want to explain to the Wellingtons why you’re being held in resort jail for the rest of their wedding week.”

“Resort jail?” I gasped. “Is that a thing?”

“Want to find out?”

I didn’t.

I gave one longing look toward the indoor section of the pool where my clothes were waiting, then let James help me from the pool. We carefully chose our footing to avoid the largest clumps of snow and patches of ice while somebody from inside the building worked a key in a door to get outside. A flashlight swept across us as James held both hands together to boost me over the fence.

“Really?” I asked, looking at his hand. “You want me to jump the fence?”

“It’s the only way. And I’m planning to enjoy the view of your ass on your way up.”

I wrinkled my nose at him, planted my foot on his hand, and let him easily lift me so I could grip the top of the freezing gate and shift my weight to the other side. A moment later, James pulled himself up and launched his muscular body over the fence like he was weightless.

“This way,” he said, taking my hand and laughing as we ran barefoot through patches of grass and tried our best to dodge more snow.

We rounded a corner of the resort, found a side door, and had to wait an excruciating minute until somebody passed and James could knock on the glass to get their attention.

The startled old woman clutched her scarf and slowly approached the door.

“Can you let us in?” James said, shouting so she could hear us through the glass.

The lady opened the door, then looked us up and down. “What on Earth?”

“You’re the best! Thanks!” James said, pulling me again as we ran up the stairs in our soaked, and partially frozen underwear.

By the time we reached our room, we were both shivering violently, but still laughing.

“I can’t believe you made me do that,” I said between clattering teeth.

“I think that lady was wondering how I could still be hard when I’m this cold.”

“She what?” I asked, eyes falling down to his underwear. I laughed, putting a hand over my mouth when I saw that sure enough, he was fully erect. “James!”

He paused at the door to our room. “Like I said. I’m this close to losing it around you, Em. Also, this might be a bad time to mention my room key is with my clothes. One of us is going to have to go to the front desk…”

“No…” I breathed.

He came close, planting a cold kiss on my lips and smiling. “You look way too fucking sexy to go walking around like this. You’re going to hide over there by the ice machine. If anybody comes in, just make machine noises so they don’t suspect anything.”

I laughed. “Machine noises? Like this?” I tried to make a grinding sound through my chattering teeth.

“Perfect. Now, wish me luck. I’ll be back.”

To his credit, James was only gone for two or three minutes before he came jogging back with a key in his hands. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were dancing with amusement. “That was interesting.”

“I’m not even going to ask,” I said.

“Did you have to convince anybody you were a machine while I was gone?”

“No,” I said, shivering badly.

He pulled me into a hug, opened our door, and guided me to the bathroom where we both unhooked robes and wrapped ourselves tightly.

Once the robe was over me, I discreetly slid off my soaking underwear, which flopped wetly to the ground. James followed suit, dropping his boxers before we both fell into bed like popsicles.. James tugged the sheets and comforter up over me and then slid into bed behind me. “Lose the robe. It’ll be warmer if we go skin-to-skin.”

“Is that real science?” I asked. “Or just a ploy to feel my ass.”

“Why can’t it be both?” he asked.

I smiled as I shivered my way out out of the robe, then sighed with relief when I felt his warmth against me. And something else.


