The Throwbacks Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 86160 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 431(@200wpm)___ 345(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

The gal that was supposed to be my wife hadn’t been too pleased with the living arrangements but she’d convinced herself that she could talk me into building her the biggest mansion in the state on account of she was so pretty and all.

There was never any chance in hell of that happening. I was born and raised in that cabin and I aim to die the same. I see now that she never would’ve fit in around here and truth is I don’t think anyone would.

Now I have four hundred thousand acres of wide-open space all to myself. I wasn’t lonely so much as I was tired of my own damn company. All that was left for me to do of an evening after the work was done was to walk or ride that land.

Then one day, I was off walking by my lonesome and I got a feeling. I went to digging on account of that feeling and wouldn’t you know it, there was oil right there where the Piggly Wiggly once stood.

The money kept rolling in but I was starting to get lonesome. I’d hired some hotshot to come out and teach me how to use the computer so I could do my business more efficiently and now it took me less than an hour in the mornings to look over everything.

Now that was a story in itself. That feller was just like everybody else. He took one look at me and saw a redneck with nary a lick a sense and figured he could take advantage. I played along like I was empty between the ears, all the while learning all I needed, or all he knew anyways.

Then one day, I caught him trying to get into my personal files and the night before I’d found the doohickey he’d put on my computer so he could track everything I did and I got to shooting again. Yes sir, I hauled off and shot him in the ass.

After he had ran screaming to his car and hightailed it outta here, I took myself down to the bookstore and bought out every book they had on the subject of computers and taught myself what I needed to know. Now I can take one of them fool things apart and put it back together.

But now I’m bored and riding my ATV over the land hell bent for leather was no longer enough. At night, I’d lay in that big old four-poster bed that one of my great grandma’s had bought and wish for somebody to talk to. It reminded me of the one I’d seen once in one of daddy’s old funny books. The ones with all the naked women in them.

I’d lie in that big old bed and wish I had a body next to me. I needed to get started on them babies, but no matter how I thought, I couldn’t come up with the answer.

I could maybe do like the folks back in my great-great-grandpa’s days did and order one. But I didn’t like the looks of them girls they had in them magazines. Not the one of them looked like they knew the backend of a cow.



I could always head into town and get me some company, but I was tired of that, and besides none of them girls were right for what I needed. They weren’t exactly the kind of girl mama would’ve appreciated sitting at her table come Sunday lunch.

I was thinking too that maybe I ought to do something about my education. I do have an awful hungering for learning. But all the books and what not I found on the internet wasn’t the same as being in school the way I remembered.

I figured now with my daddy gone there was nothing stopping me from going out into the world and getting an education. I could maybe learn about all those places I’d seen on the Internet. Who knows, maybe one day I might even take a trip.

So I got the bright idea to go down to the college and sign up for classes, and that’s when it happened.

It was my very first day on campus. I was headed to the registrar’s office to sign up when I saw the raven-haired angel. Her hair fell straight as a pin to the top of her ass.

I didn’t see much more than that since she was heading in the opposite direction, but I decided then and there that I wasn’t letting her out of my sight. There was something about her, something that pulled at me even as I followed her from a distance. Like maybe I knew her.

She was a little bitty thing I noticed as I walked behind her, and something in my chest came alive. I don’t rightly know what was going on with me, having never had that strong a reaction to anyone before, but I knew that there was something to it.


