The Spark Read Online Vi Keeland

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 106147 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 531(@200wpm)___ 425(@250wpm)___ 354(@300wpm)

Fuck me. I wasn’t going to make it more than another minute. I shut my eyes and rested my head against the seat as I pulled her hair again, guiding her head back up. My cock was soaked with her saliva, and the slurping sound she made as she bobbed up and down drove me wild. I couldn’t get enough, and suddenly I couldn’t get it fast enough. My grip on her hair tightened to a fist, and I sped up the motion—pushing her down and then tugging her back, pushing her down and…oh, the gurgling sound she made when I pushed her a little farther.

Best. Damn. Sound. In. The. World.

That was it. I was done. My orgasm was barreling like a runaway freight train, so I loosened my grip on her hair. “Autumn…babe…I’m gonna come.”

She kept going, keeping the pace I’d set even though I wasn’t guiding her anymore.

“Autumn…you got five seconds…” I groaned, trying to hold back so she could move before I shot my load. But she did just the opposite. She sucked me even deeper, until I felt myself hit the back of her throat. There was no holding back then.

“Fuck…” My body convulsed as I let out a long stream of cum. “Fuck…fuck…fuuuuuuuck,” I groaned.

I panted like I’d been sprinting, trying to catch my breath. Autumn just kept gliding up and down as I sat there with my skull lolling against the headrest. Eventually, after a minute or two, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and sat up.

“That was…” I shook my head. “I think you might have to drive the rest of the way. I can’t see straight.”

She giggled.

“And here I thought this was going to be a tense weekend going to your dad’s wedding.”

“Oh, trust me. It will be. I’m going to be uptight and ruin your weekend. That was just my way of saying thank you for coming.” She smiled. “I guess that sort of has two meanings right now.”

“I’m happy to come…anytime, anywhere, with you. And I definitely mean that in two ways.” I took her hand, threaded it with mine, and brought her knuckles to my lips for a kiss. “I’ll do my best to make sure you have a good weekend.”

We smiled at each other, and I meant what I’d said. I wanted to help her stay relaxed and enjoy the time in Connecticut. Of course, I had no idea it wouldn’t be her ruining the weekend…it would be me.


“Shit. I forgot to pack dress socks.”

The next morning, I’d gone into my bag to grab my running gear and realized I’d only packed white socks to wear with my sneakers. Autumn and I had woken up early, had sex, and ordered room service. After, I’d asked her if she wanted to come out for a run, but she seemed content to stay in bed for the few hours we had before we needed to get ready for her father’s wedding.

“We’re only about a block off the main shopping strip. I can walk over while you go for your run and pick some up.” She sat up in bed, and the sheet slipped down, giving me a beautiful view of her perfect tits. I guess my eyes lingered a little longer than I thought.

“We just had sex an hour or two ago, and yet you’re looking at me like I’m your lunch.” She smiled and lifted the sheet to cover herself.

I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed next to her. Tugging the sheet back down, I said, “I absolutely would like to eat you for lunch.”

She blushed.

“My heart’s not really into a run, anyway. Why don’t we walk over to get the socks together when you feel like getting up, and we’ll get another coffee, too. When we get back, I’ll do some pushups for exercise...with you beneath me.”

She grinned. “That sounds good. Although you sweaty from a run also sounds pretty yummy.”

“I’ll tell you what, I’ll run around the hotel when we get back, just enough to get sweaty before I hit the pushups.”

She laughed, though I wasn’t really kidding. If she liked me sweaty, sweaty I’d be.

A little while later, we were walking down Greenwich Avenue. A woman turned the corner and walked straight into Autumn. She stumbled, but I had her hand so I was able to stop her from falling.

“I’m so sorry!” The woman held her hands up. “I wasn’t paying any attention to where I was going. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

The woman squinted. “Autumn? Autumn Wilde?”

Autumn’s brows dipped. “I’m sorry. Do we know each other?”

“I’m Cara Fritz. We used to be good friends when we were kids. We were in Mr. Fleming’s fourth-grade class together.”

Autumn cocked her head, and then a look of recognition washed over her face. “Oh my gosh. Of course! How could I not recognize you…Cara Fritz. God, it’s been a long time.”


