The Spark Read Online Vi Keeland

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 106147 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 531(@200wpm)___ 425(@250wpm)___ 354(@300wpm)

Hmpf. Maybe I’ll watch a few minutes before I dig into my work…


* * *



Donovan grinned at me from the other side of the door, and butterflies started to dance in my stomach. God, he’s delicious. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to invite him to hang out at my apartment tonight. He noticed my slight hesitation, though he must’ve misread what was going on in my head.

He lifted a duffle bag I hadn’t noticed in his hand. “It’s not an overnight bag, I swear. I just threw in a change of clothes so I could get out of this suit I had to wear to dinner.”

I stepped aside to let him in, and he stopped in front of me, toe to toe.

“I was appreciating the view, not worrying you might overstay your welcome.”

The right side of his mouth twitched to a cocky grin. “Oh yeah? Well, you can watch me change if you want the full view.” He leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips. With our mouths still attached, he spoke softly, “I’ve missed you.”

Three little words and the walls around my heart were already crumbling. It wasn’t because they were sweet—though of course they were—but because I knew he meant it. As a woman who hadn’t trusted a man in a very long time, I felt in my bones that he was being honest. And that made me unsettled when it should’ve made me the exact opposite. So rather than be honest and tell him I’d missed him, too, my sense of self-preservation kicked in, and I backed away from the moment with sarcasm.

“What’s your name again?”

He tapped my nose with his finger. “Smartass.”

I shut the door with a smile.

“Sorry I’m so late. The client wouldn’t shut the hell up.”

“It’s fine.” I pointed to my toes and wiggled them. “They needed to be painted anyway. Skye and I usually do it when she comes over for our binge-watching sessions.”

“How’s she feeling?”

“Achy with a slight fever. When I went over to drop the soup, her boyfriend was there, and she was letting him take care of her. That’s how I know she isn’t feeling well. She doesn’t let people do things for her. She’s very independent.”

Donovan tilted his head. “Sounds familiar.”

I smiled. “I guess so. I’m sure it has to do with our trust issues.”

He nodded. “I get it. Growing up, I never got too close to anyone. If you don’t let people in, it doesn’t hurt when they take off.”

I frowned. “I’m sorry. That’s exactly what I did to you last year, too. We had a connection, and I took off.”

“It’s fine. You had your reasons.”

I’d never really considered how it might not be so easy for Donovan to trust me because of what I’d done. “It’s really not fine. I should’ve at least been upfront about what I was doing and said goodbye.”

“That’s behind us now.”

“But how is it behind you? You’ve let me in when you keep distance from most people. And I already took off on you once. You make it seem so easy to get over your fear of people you care about taking off.”

Donovan stared at me for a moment. “It’s not easy, Autumn. But you’re worth the chance.”

That might’ve been the single most beautiful thing anyone had ever said to me. “Wow.” I shook my head. “I don’t even know what to say.”

He looked away and then back to me with a boyish grin. “You don’t have to say anything. Just don’t take off without talking to me again.”

I closed the distance between us and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I can do that.”

He pulled me flush against him. “Good. Because I know where you live this time, and I’d track your ass down.”

“Hopefully that won’t be necessary.” I laughed. “So did you save room for dessert?”

Donovan’s eyes dropped down between us. From this vantage point, he was looking straight down my shirt. “Always room for dessert.”

He wiggled his eyebrows, and I laughed.

“So do you prefer toasted coconut chocolate chip, cookies and cream, or chocolate peanut butter?”


“Good choice. I like a taste of each, too. Why don’t you go get changed and relax, and I’ll make us bowls?”

Donovan disappeared into the bathroom and came back out moments later in jeans and a T-shirt. He tossed his duffle on the side of the couch and settled in.

“I was looking through movies before you got here, but I wasn’t sure what kind you liked, so I saved a bunch to my favorites on Netflix, if you want to take a look.”

“Actually, I have something in mind I thought you’d enjoy watching,” he said. “I’ll cue it up.”

“Oh…okay.” I whipped up two bowls of ice cream with chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and crunchies and headed over to the couch. His bowl was twice as full as mine. “This one is yours. I went a little overboard. I hope you like all the junk I put on.”


