The Sacrifice Read Online Shantel Tessier

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Suspense, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 180
Estimated words: 168587 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 843(@200wpm)___ 674(@250wpm)___ 562(@300wpm)

She throws her long ponytail over her shoulder, smiling at me. Stepping in, I hold in my breath when she lowers her lips to my ear and speaks over the music. “I’m just doing what your daddy asked me to do.” Then she pulls back and gives me a fuck you smile. “I can’t help it that your husband didn’t turn me down. He loves a woman on her knees with an open mouth.” With that, she picks up her tray and goes to check on her table.

Tears sting my eyes. Why would my father want her to fuck Tyson? To prove that he doesn’t love me? I already know that. Why is he proving it? The Lords won’t care that he’s being unfaithful. I can’t divorce him. I have no fucking choice but to do what he wants when he wants it, so why make him fuck Bethany? In front of me? Why does my father want to make my life more miserable than it already is?

Slamming my tray down on the bar top, I march my ass across the floor and to the elevator. If he’s going to fuck around, I’m going to make sure he’s aware that I know it.


I’m sitting at my desk when my wife comes barging in, shoving my door open so hard that it hits the interior wall.

“Your shift isn’t over.” I lean back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest.

Storming over to my desk, she slaps her hands down on it, glaring at me. I can’t help the smile on my face at her little attitude. It’s cute.

“If you fuck other women, I’m going to fuck other men.”

The smile immediately drops off, and I stand. She pushes off the desk, taking a step back. Her shoulders pulled back, but I watch her swallow nervously. Making my way around the desk, I reach out, grip her fragile neck, not restricting her air just yet, and yank her to me, forcing a gasp from her plump lips.

“What the fuck did you just say to me?” I demand, my face so close to hers I can see the fear set into her eyes. Just who the hell does she think she is?

“Why did you marry me?” she asks, her voice much softer this time.

Her pulse races under my fingers. “If I have to ask you again, you’ll answer from your knees,” I growl, tightening my hand around her throat, hoping she understands that I’m referring to her shock collar. I want to know why she has an attitude all of a sudden. Even though I’m hard at the fact she’s jealous of me fucking other women. The fact she wants to fuck another man makes me want to hurt her. Fucking brand my name into her soft, flawless skin so every man who looks at her will know she belongs to me.

Her hands grip my forearms, and she tries to arch her neck to get in a breath, but I don’t allow it. Her red-painted lips open and close before she finally gives up and her hands drop to her sides. I relax my grip just a little but still hold her in place.

“If you … fuck other women … I’m going to fuck other men.” She manages to speak through gasps.

I let go of her, and she steps back, rubbing the sensitive skin and sucking in a deep breath.

“Look at me, Laikyn,” I command.

Her watery eyes snap up to meet mine at the use of her first name, and I step into her. She doesn’t retreat, but she’s lost some of that confidence she had when she entered my office. “If I even think you’re going to fuck another man, I’ll kill him. In front of you. It’ll be slow and painful. You will see his bloody corpse in your dreams for years to come.” She swallows nervously. “And then I’ll make you wish I did the same to you,” I say honestly.

Her eyes narrow, and she lifts her chin. “But you’ll fuck whoever you want?” She slams her hands into my chest, but I don’t budge. “Why did you marry me if you’re going to fuck around? To throw it in my face?” She slams her hands in my chest once again. “Like you did my sister?” her voice rises. “Huh? Just divorce me,” she goes on. “You’ve proven your point.”

I stare at her while she tries to catch her breath. She’s panting, the anger evident all over her pretty face. “Just do us both a favor and divorce me!” she screams.

I grab her arm and yank her forward while spinning her to face my desk. I grab the back of her neck and shove her facedown, making her cry out at my force. “Remove your shorts,” I snap, stepping back and letting go of her.


