The Phantom – Rise of the Warlords Read Online Gena Showalter

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 110080 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

“Lyla,” he croaked, sitting up and reaching for her. “Forgive me. Please. I loathed the thought of harming you, but I wished to knock out some of your competition. I chose the route that involved no contact.”

She scrambled off the mattress, standing on a pile of debris, and whirled to face him, pointing an accusing finger. “I don’t care about the pain. I told you I understood, and I meant it. But you didn’t just torture me for the tournament. You did it for answers.” The questions he’d asked... Do you still hate...the firstone...faked desire... “That is beyond reprehensible for anyone, but especially the Astra who marked me with stardust. I am so—”

“I’m sorry!” he interjected. Shame etched his expression as his shoulders rolled in. “It is reprehensible, and I hate myself for it. If I could go back...”

“—turned on right now. I thought I told you to stop being so sexy.”

He opened his mouth. Closed it. Opened. Closed. Blinked. “You meant those words. Your eyes remained blue. I don’t understand.”

What confused him? Seemed so obvious to her. “You could have asked me about anything, and you chose desire. You are so obsessed with me, Roux.” She twirled a lock of hair around her finger. Finally he’d had a chance to learn about Erebus. The strengths and weaknesses of her competitors. Something, anything, to advance his task. Instead, he’d cared more about Blythe’s feelings for him.

And oh, wow, she’d known it, but she hadn’t known it known it until that moment. The truth gutted her. How much this male must need her.

“I mean it. You are absolutely wrecked,” she whispered, awed.

He squeezed his lids shut for a moment. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand you.” A pause. A heavy sigh. “I found the dagger, Lyla.” Agony coated the words. “You hid it from me.”

“What are you talking about?” She wracked her brain, but came up empty on offenses. “I didn’t hide anything from you.”

“Lyla.” Another croak. He flashed to his backpack, dug inside, and withdrew the firstone dagger. Extending his arm to offer the weapon, he admitted, “I found it under the mattress.”

Wait. It was the same dagger and sheath Erebus had given her. And okay, yeah, she did look pretty guilty. But come on! “Okay, now I’m kind of insulted. As if I would really be dumb enough to stash a critical piece of revenge in such an obvious location.”

A frown pulled at the corners of his mouth.

“Penelope obviously framed me,” she continued, “because I most certainly did not find the blade when I toured the castle.” Wait again. Different realizations clicked. A light dawned. “Okay, I get it now. You found it last night, just before the celebration dinner.” The reason he’d treated her so poorly and left her alone all night.

The frown vanished, leaving remorse in its place. He bowed his head, and her stomach flipped. Roux, in a position of contrition...

“Explain your withdrawn behavior before that,” she said, her voice a bit shaky.

Again, his shoulders rolled in. “The jewel. It remains firmly entrenched. I haven’t known what to think. The female who purred for me so sweetly still hates me so fiercely.”

The vulnerability he currently displayed, yeah, it got to her. An urge to soothe him sparked. “There’s no denying the appearance of my guilt. I did promise to murder you when you least expected it.”

His tension only heightened. “I also know of your meeting with Carrigan and Lucca.” He covered his eyes. “I spied on you.”

“Okay. So? That was a smart move on your part. That’s what any warlord worth his salt is supposed to do with someone suspected of plotting against him.” She would have done the same. “I’m only mad I didn’t sense you. And maybe a little more turned on.” No wonder she’d chosen this male as a second consort.

He was just so cunning and ruthless. Ferocious to the extreme. More so than she’d ever realized.

His hand dropped, but his head shot up. He stared at her as if she were some strange creature in a zoo.

“So you heard their offer,” she pointed out, ready to be done with the particulars so they could get to the good stuff. “They’ll provide a way off Ation if I keep the harpy alive somehow.”

“Yes. I heard. But what do you mean, turned on? I betrayed you, Lyla.”

“No, you acted intelligently, Rue. I’d given you no reason to trust me. In fact, I would have been disappointed in you and questioned your mental capabilities if you’d trusted me. Then I would have had to question my own mental capabilities for finding you sexy.”

His mouth opened and closed again. Hope lived, died, and was resurrected in his eyes. “You seek pleasure from me?”

“I’m demanding it, as requested.” She dipped her gaze over his body and licked her lips. “I think we can both agree that after putting me through all that pain, you owe me pleasure. Soooo much.”


