The Other Woman Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 52
Estimated words: 47419 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 237(@200wpm)___ 190(@250wpm)___ 158(@300wpm)

She’d stopped complaining and had been moping around the house, looking for sympathy. I wouldn’t even hug her when she came crawling over to me, looking for attention. She usually ended up crying and whining like the bitch she was until I gave her something to sulk about.

“You’re letting yourself go. Rachel had two kids, and she looks ten times better than you, and you’re younger.” That was my new favorite go-to. It tore her down but good and kept her just where I wanted her, under my feet.

She’d become a broken shell of herself, which was perfect. It’s the way I felt these last few weeks, so why should she fare any better? This was all her doing. If she hadn’t shaken her ass in my face, none of this would’ve happened.

“I lost my kids because of you.” We were sitting on the couch watching some stupidity on the screen when the words came flying out of my mouth seconds before I kicked her off the couch. “Stay down there on the floor like you deserve. Dogs aren’t allowed on the furniture.”

I took a sip from my beer and ignored her weepy, teary eyes. “If you’re going to do that shit, go into the bedroom or the bathroom and close the door. I don’t want to hear that shit.” She sucked it up and tried to get back on the couch, but I kicked her off again. “I’m not going to tell you again.”

She settled herself down on the floor next to the couch and kept her yap shut for once. That night, I was extra nice to her in bed and even cuddled with her a little. While she slept, I stared past her shoulder at the wall.

This is the time when all my thoughts keep me up, and my head is filled with visions of killing Jacob and Rachel. I won’t let them get away with doing this. They’d stolen my life, and from what I can see, they were living their best lives.

There were no posts from them, just my family and theirs posting images of them with my kids going all over the place and looking like the picture-perfect American dream while I sat here suffering with this stupid bitch that makes me want to bash her face in each time I look at her.

I made it to the courthouse that day by the skin of my teeth. I thought I had hidden the fact that I had been drinking rather well, but the asshole female judge, who probably had it out for all men, noticed, and I lost the case. I can now only see my kids with supervised visitation.

I yelled obscenities at the newlyweds and tried to kick that bitch in her crotch, but Jake got in the way and punched me in the face. I wanted him arrested, but the lying ass deputy claimed it was self-defense and then asked Jake if he wanted to press charges.

Things only seemed to go downhill from there. I couldn’t stop drinking, and before you knew it, my PTO had run out, and I just never went back to work. I had nothing left to live for, so what was the point?

Wendy still had her job, and as much as she bitched and moaned, she had no choice but to pay the bills and keep me provided with booze. Whenever I caught her mumbling to herself, I’d remind her that this was what she wanted, that she was the one who’d pursued me.

Each day, I just sit and stew over some new thing to do with my ex and my ex best friend. It seems like they were all anyone could talk about these days. She was living it up now, it seems, whereas I’d had her on a tight budget, Jacob seemed to be throwing money at her left and right.

She was always wearing some new designer something or the other whenever she was posted on someone else’s social media, usually one of my sisters’ or mom’s. My former friends were always posting pictures from some get together at their house and talking about how happy the couple was.

The words that stung most were the ones about how Rachel had married up and how they should’ve been together from the start like I no longer existed. The worst part was that I couldn’t say anything to defend myself because of that cease and desist that asshole Jake had against me. The damn thing is like a gag order.

So, I had to sit through days of roasting from my so-called friends and nights of bitching and moaning from this stupid bitch that I could no longer stand. And then the day came when things really went to shit.

It was months later, after the court case and whatever. I hadn’t gone on one visitation with the kids because I refused to have to be supervised to see my own blood. Then one day, I was sitting on the couch as usual when my phone did that pinging shit again, and I knew the dynamic duo did some stupid shit that everyone was going ga-ga over.


