The Naughty List Read Online Jade West

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, M-M Romance, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 103000 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 515(@200wpm)___ 412(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

Daddy play. Can I do it? Can I be that good an actress for 14 hours straight? Can I give a fifty-one-year-old daddy the love he wants from his naughty daughter?

I almost miss my tube stop, reading it through again. Overthinking might be my middle name with this one. I’m straight on a call to Ebony as soon as I get home. I tell her about Tracy and how much of a bitch she’s been over Sandra ever since I’ve been there. It feels so good to vent to someone who isn’t Connor, and who actually gives a shit for once.

I do an impression of Sandra twirling her hair for Billy in the forklift bay, and the stupid giggle she puts on when she’s flirting. Hell, yeah, Billy. Take command of that gear stick, baby. Ebony is pissing herself laughing.

“Holy shit, Ella, you should be an actress. I can practically see her, the snarky little cow.”

An actress.

Those words snap me right back to my proposal from earlier.

“Funny you should say that…”

I read out the proposal and she nods along, tipping her head this way and that. She doesn’t freak out or think a 14-hour session is that weird or anything. In fact, she says sleepovers are pretty common.

“Sounds good to me,” she says. “I’m sure you can handle it easy.”

I wish I was as certain as she was. Her faith in me is astounding. I let out a breath, the reality of my job loss creeping up to bite at me.

“What if I fuck it up?”

“Fuck up Daddy play? Babe, you’re smashing it. Every single review coming in is off the charts.”

“But if I fuck it up now…”

“Ah, yeah,” she says. “More pressure. I get it. So many entertainers spend ages trying to multitask when they’re first getting started, scared their client list is going to dry up. That’s totally normal. But you’ve got to have belief in yourself. You’re soaring high for a reason.”


“But?” she asks, my expression clearly not convincing enough.

I sigh. “Taking a man mountain, or two cocks, or freaky period play, that shit came easy because I really was into it. Pretending to be a schoolgirl right the way overnight is a whole other ball game. I’m not so sure.”

“Trust me,” she says, waving a finger, “I can see you now, in pigtails and uniform, acting all coy for Daddy.”

I stick my thumb in my mouth and pull a face.

Ebony laughs. “There you go, you’re getting it already. Daddys gonna love you. I mean it. Don’t look down, girl. Click accept on that proposal and find yourself a pair of cute white socks. The sooner the better. Go on,” she says. “Do it now. Click yes, and get cracking.”

I call up the proposal window.

Can I do this? 14 hours of roleplay?

Only one way to find out.

Self-doubt can stay back in the Christmas aisle – I’m not putting up with that shit anymore.

“Done,” I tell Ebony. “Wednesday night, as soon as I’m off my period.”

“Great stuff. The sooner the better.”

She’s right on that. Less time for the nerves to make a reappearance. I’ll be a very good actress for User 762. Maybe I can even practice in the meantime. Say Daddy as sweetly as I can in the mirror. I smile as I imagine it. I’m sure I could come up with some cracking lines, all set for adlib, when I need them.

“It’s great to see you coming to life, Ella,” Ebony says. “Seriously. You’re glowing brighter every single day.”

She’s right. I am. I just have to believe in myself.

Watch out, Creamgirl, I’m coming for you. And I’ll be coming for Daddy in the meantime.

Chapter Twelve

User 762. Male. 51.

I want full roleplay, adlib and convincing. You’ll be my daughter returning home after school, impudent after writing dirty stories in her notebook. You’ll get found out by Daddy, and you’ll get told off for it. You’ll admit it’s about a crush on a boy at school, and you’ll let Daddy take your mind off him, and keep you as his sweet little girl.

Daddy will punish you for being naughty. A decent spanking, over the knee.

Daddy will show you what it feels like to be used and made to feel good in dirty ways, and he’ll be much better at it than a silly little schoolboy.

You’ll thank Daddy very much, and promise to be a well behaved daughter from now on, giving Daddy the love he needs from you. And then he’ll give you bath time, put you to bed, and make you some breakfast before school in the morning. You’ll kiss him goodbye when you leave.

Convincing actress, please. Schoolgirl outfit. Pigtails. White socks.

Oral, pussy, some anal play, bathing, spanking and being told off like a naughty bitch. An overnighter, sleeping in a girly bedroom.

Duration – 14 hours.

Proposal price – £5000.


