The Naughty List Read Online Jade West

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, M-M Romance, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 103000 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 515(@200wpm)___ 412(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

“Yes! That’s it! That’s it! Don’t come yet, please! Don’t come!”

He grits his teeth, and I’m glad he manages to hold it together, because we haven’t reached his preference yet. We haven’t ticked all the boxes of a five-star review.

I shift position as soon as I’m done coming, rolling straight onto my front and presenting my pussy for him, dripping wet.

“I need doggy style, please,” I tell him. “It’s my absolute favourite.”

“Mine, too.”

He rubs his cock up and down against me, and for a moment, I think he’s going to bend the naughty list and fuck my ass. I’d love that. I really would. But he doesn’t do it. He pushes back inside my pussy, slamming hard, but not hard enough to excite me. I bounce back against him, flesh slapping flesh, twisting so I can look at him over my shoulder, smiling with every thrust he makes.

It's good. Kind of.

I play with my clit again, still tingling from last time, and tell myself again that I’m a slut fucking a stranger, but it doesn’t work so well. It would take me a long time to build to another orgasm, and it’s time I don’t have. User 1378 is bucking out of control in three minutes tops, gripping my hips and losing himself, eyes shut as he comes.

I’m not used to sex like this, so standard. I want hair pulling, and ass slapping, and anal as well as pussy – at least a little stretch – but User 1378 is done and finished in a few frantic thrusts. He collapses onto his back beside me with a huge grin on his face, like we’ve had the fuck of a lifetime.

“You’re one hell of a girl, Holly.”

“Thanks,” I say. “You’re one hell of a guy, too.”

I give him an extra kiss, and offer him my tits for another play, but I was right. He’s a one load only guy. His interest is already waning.

“Want another drink?” he asks as he gets up from the bed.

“Yeah, I’d love one, thank you.”

We finish up the bottle of wine together, chatting about how crazy hot the sex was, and I play the final round of being Holly, with eye flutters as he puts his jeans back on.

“Time’s nearly up.” He sighs. “I’ve got to go soon. I’m really sorry.”

“Shit, I’ll get ready,” I reply, and scurry to get dressed, but he holds up a hand.

“No, no. Stay as long as you like. I’ve just got to get across the city. I have things to do.”

Work, I hope, but somehow I doubt it. I imagine User 1378 has a regular life out there somewhere to match his regular sex tastes, but that’s none of my business. It’s not my job to speculate. It’s my job to give him what he’s paying for.

“Thanks so much,” I say as he waves goodbye. “That was incredible.”

“Likewise. You are a star, Holly. An absolute star.”

I love the sense of pride I feel at his grin as he leaves me there, in his B&B bedroom. I really have lived up to his proposal, and given him everything he asked for. I did it. I really did it. I was the entertainer he asked for, and more besides. I only hope he tells the agency the same thing on the feedback form.

I get dressed slowly, and finish up the final dregs of wine, set to make my own exit when a buzz comes through on my phone.

My review is in. Rating 5 stars. Truly excellent. Perfect tits. Great smile. Kinky beauty.

I check my bank account and the money’s there already – £320.

Thank fuck for that, because it’s obvious what I need as I leave the B&B, my clit already craving more kink, more challenge, more filthiness – and a load more cash. I need the naughty list available to me in all its dirty glory, every single option, ripe for my choosing.

There’s no doubt about it whatsoever now. I’m flying so high that I grin at the stars.

I’m going to be a very, very bad girl for Christmas…

Chapter Five

My extended naughty list is waiting when I log on at home, be careful, Ebony messages, don’t commit to too much, too early, but I can’t help diving straight in. I read through the new items, tingling at the thought that I may be doing these things for real, with paying clients.

Holly has so many options available to her. What a lucky girl.

I tick anal, that’s a no brainer. Roleplay, sure, I love dressing up and acting. Praise and degradation, yes, please. Other women. Nice.

Bondage and BDSM have a big variety of tick boxes. I figure I’ll go in easy at first and select just a few options, but why wimp out of my own dirty fantasies? The agency has a strict safe word policy in their terms and conditions.


