The Music of Love Read Online Jenna Rose

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 25780 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 129(@200wpm)___ 103(@250wpm)___ 86(@300wpm)

Instantly, my entire body goes hot. My cheeks flush, and I want to find a rock to crawl under. But at the same time, I light up inside like someone just shrank the sun and stuffed it into my chest.

“For me? You wrote a song for me?”

Cal nods. “That’s right. When I finished my show and you were waiting for me backstage…that was just such a nice moment, and it got me thinking,” He strums the strings of his Flying V. “Now this won’t sound as good as it would if I had an amp or an acoustic guitar but…”

“That’s okay,” I whimper, my face half-hidden behind my hands. I don’t know if I’ve ever been so nervous about anything in my life, including our first date. Watching him perform from backstage was one thing, but this is insanely intimate. This is a man who’s written countless hit songs, and he’s right here in front of me with nothing between us. And when he starts to sing, I instantly start to melt.

Just like the Cal Shelton I met when we were alone was a different Cal Shelton than the one I was introduced to by the media, the Cal Shelton that sings for me is much different than the Cal Shelton that sang at his show I attended.

There’s no extra flair, no style. His voice is soft and smooth, and instead of singing loud and projecting for an audience, he’s singing just for me.

It’s hypnotic, mesmerizing. I’m completely spellbound, and it’s all I can do to listen to take in the lyrics as he talks about feeling lucky to have me there for him, how he feels he can trust me, how he never wants to lose me.

The song ends early, and I realize there are tears coming down my eyes. Cal leans in and wipes them away with the back of his hand. “It’s not quite finished yet. I need to fill out the last verse, but–”

“It’s amazing.” I whimper. And I mean it. I’m completely floored. This just doesn’t make sense. How can this be happening to me? From Henry’s to this moment?

“You’re amazing, Reese.” He smiles. “And that’s why I want to ask you something.”


Setting his guitar aside, Cal scoots closer to me and wraps his arm around me. I inhale deeply. It’s insane how much I love his scent. I want to bottle it up and spray it all over myself whenever he’s not around.

“I want you to come to Los Angeles with me.”

“Okay,” I say quickly.

“And be my manager.”

His question hits me out of the blue like a random frisbee nailing you in the head and you’re not even playing frisbee. “Wait, be your manager? Kathleen and Josh are your managers.”

“They are, but I’m fed up with them, Reese. I want someone new. Someone I trust and will stop trying to manipulate me.”

“Cal I – I don’t know shit about being a manager!” My heart starts pounding, and I’m two steps from hyperventilating. “Or the music business. Are you insane?”

“Have you ever seen Entourage?”

“The HBO show?” I ask. “No.”

“Okay, well, basically in that show, the bigtime movie star’s manager was his best friend. And he just looked out for his best interests. That’s all I need you to do for me.” I’m breathing heavily now. Cal sees this and squeezes my hand and smiles. “You’d do a great job, baby. And if you don’t, well I’ll just fire you and give you a ton of money.”

“Are you—are you kidding?” I gasp, but can’t help bursting out laughing and falling back into the grass. Thank God a little bit of humor to lighten up the situation.

Cal leans over me and brushes my hair back. He looks down at me with such trust and such love that it’s hard not to want to say yes to him right now.

“I was not expecting this, Cal.”

“I know.” He grins. “But you’re going to have to say yes, baby. I fired them both earlier today.”

“What!?” I gasp. “You can’t be serious.”

“I can find others,” he replies. “But I want you, baby. I trust you. Say yes for me? Please?”

A music industry manager. Me. I never would have dreamed of it. But then again, I never would have dreamt that one day I’d end up dating Cal Shelton either. I definitely feel as if I’ve been strapped to a rocket and am being sent up to live amongst the stars.

“Okay,” I say slowly. “Yes.”



She said yes. It may not have been a yes to my proposal, but that will come later.

This means Reese and I are not going to be spending any time apart. I’m going to have her by my side constantly, and my life is going to be infinitely better because of her. She may be nervous, but there’s absolutely no need. I trust her beyond belief. She’s a gift I’ve been granted who will change my life forever.


