The Man with the Knot – Forbidden Fun Read Online Cassandra Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33633 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 168(@200wpm)___ 135(@250wpm)___ 112(@300wpm)

I shake my head at the absurd thought.

We do not have time for existential ponderings, Morgan, I tell myself with a short roll of my eyes.

I scan the area, considering my options for how to get down to the beach without getting caught. I don’t stand up immediately but instead scoot my way down the sandy slope until I’m sure that the dunes can offer some protection from roaming eyes.

Once free, I dash across the open beach, feeling like I’ve just gotten away with something super naughty and absolutely giddy about it.

“Wheee!” I shout into the wind, flailing my arms wide as I twirl around. I may not have exactly been a bad girl in high school, but I have broken into my fair share of supposedly off-limits places. Mostly thanks to a high school boyfriend who had a propensity for mischief.

Overhead, a seabird squawks in chorus, swooping low over the water as it hunts for an afternoon snack. I watch its delicate arc as it dances over the water, envying its easy movements.

Then, I let myself wander down the beach until the resort is far out of sight. I stop here and there, leaning down to examine a seashell or chase a crab, already feeling happier than I have been in a long time.

One quick glance at my phone confirms that there is indeed no service on the island, but I don’t care. I can still see my footprints in the sand from where I’ve walked. And I like the complete isolation for once—I can forget about the real world for just a while.

Up ahead, the beach curves inward, almost as though there might be a lagoon around the bend. Excited, I start to jog slowly, the shallow waves splashing against my legs even as I kick up sand. But when I finally come to the treelined area, I stare at the view in complete amazement because it’s gorgeous.

“Oh my gosh,” I murmur, captivated by the stunning scene in front of me: jagged, dark rocks loom above the water, surrounding the sea with high walls almost like a cove. Leafy trees offer shade and privacy. The water— a perfect blue-green concoction— dances in soft waves as it hits the sandy floor. I crane my neck and spy a manta ray, gliding peacefully in the completely clear depths.

Determined to see it up close, I begin the somewhat treacherous descent towards the water, gripping the slippery rock as best I can. A few steps in, I take off my flip-flops and stuff them into my bag. I’m a little steadier now that my bare feet can grip the rough ground. Still, I take my time, the dangers of the island feeling a little more real.

A few minutes and several shaky steps later, I reach flat, sandy ground once more.

“Yeah, this will do,” I murmur to myself. I plop on the untouched beach and stretch back into the sun-soaked sand. I reach out to either side and let myself sink into its warm, scratchy heat. I yawn loudly and close my eyes against the overhead sun.

I listen to the sounds of the birds screeching and the waves breaking on the beach. I hear the wind in the tall grasses and the chirping from a nearby nest. It’s very peaceful and I begin to drift off… But then a sudden splash hits my ears. Hmmm, maybe it was the manta ray again. But then, the splash happens once more, and I bolt upright.

That definitely wasn’t the manta ray.

Instead, standing before me, about thirty feet away in the shallow water, is the most exquisite male animal I’ve ever seen in my life.

I blink to adjust my vision, and then blink again.

Is this guy for real?

Why isn’t he wearing any clothes?

My cheeks flame and I turn away out of modesty. But curiosity and something curling deep in the pit of my stomach draw my attention back to the heavily muscled specimen before me.

The man’s back is to me and I stare openly at his chiseled arms, broad, muscular back, and firm, tight ass. His skin is the color of copper—sun-kissed as if he’s cast from a vat of molten bronze. My gaze lingers on his thick black hair, wondering how a man can look so completely wild and so completely in control at the same time.

He must sense me looking at him because, a split second later, my gaze is caught by the most mesmerizing pair of sea-blue eyes. The man holds my attention for a few seconds, several emotions crossing his handsome face: confusion, amusement, and then anger.

After another moment, he dives back into the water, his body another splash among the surging waves.

I stand up quickly, scanning the horizon and wondering if I’d just dreamed up a merman.

“What the hell are you doing here?”


