The Man with the Knot – Forbidden Fun Read Online Cassandra Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33633 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 168(@200wpm)___ 135(@250wpm)___ 112(@300wpm)

The man merely takes the bottle and sets it on a low table situated on his side of the lounger.

“Thank you, Shanna. Some glasses,” he instructs the blonde, his eyes never even drifting in her direction.

I watch her bottom bounce as she walks away. Who is this girl, and what is she doing on Mirago? The resort led us to believe that the island was deserted, but clearly, that was a bit of misinformation because not only is there a community of men, but there are women here as well. But before I can ask, the man speaks again.

“So Morgan,” he says, all of his attention now directed at me. Every other guy in the room follows his lead and looks at me, their curiosity palpable. “That’s your name, isn’t it?”

“Um, yes?” I manage to squeak out. “Yes, it is.”

He nods.

“My name is Trek, and I lead this council. Do you know why you’re here?”

I shrug, trying to look as if I’m calm and collected. “I guess because I’m in trouble or something?” I hedge, knowing full well that I broke a law.

Trek cocks his eyebrow. “Brax said that you breached our beaches without an invitation.”

It’s not a question. I decide to own up to it.

“Yes, I did leave the resort, but not to cause any trouble,” I state.

The man inclines his head slightly. “Well, you’ve caused it, whether you intended to or not. Our lands are protected, as I’m sure Brax explained to you.”

Brax smirks. “I told her so repeatedly, but Morgan’s a bit stubborn.” He flashes me a beautiful grin and I forget every other man in the room.

“Well, Morgan,” Trek continues, demanding our attention once more. “You’d better thank Brax for his protection, then. We take trespassing seriously here on Mirago. The standard punishment is death by drowning.”

I gasp audibly, panic setting in. “What?”

Trek shrugs.

“Yeah, Mirago believes in capital punishment. Sorry I didn’t mention that earlier.”

My cheeks drain of color.

“I’m apologize. I was being stupid. Drowning isn’t necessary. I’ll just head back to La Mirage, and forget this ever happened. You’ll never see me again.”

But Trek flashes a dazzling smile. “Slow down. Don’t get your panties in a scrunch, sweetheart, because in the history of our community, we’ve never actually drowned someone for crossing the border. But I will say that this is the first time Brax has requested that we invite a mainlander into a council meeting.”

I frown at my lover, confused by Trek’s words. “What is he talking about? I thought you said that they ordered you to bring me here.”

Brax looks sheepish. “We have the right to invite someone to a council session, if we want them to learn about our community. And since you were so eager for an adventure…”

I punch his arm, which does more to hurt my hand than his chiseled body.

“I was so scared!” I hiss. “That’s not cool.”

Brax leans back against the cushion, completely unruffled by my outburst.

“Curiosity killed the cat,” he taunts me, drawing a finger lazily up and down my bare thigh.

I bite my cheek and look back toward the other men. They’re all in various stages of relaxation, clearly amused by our little tiff and waiting for further instruction from Trek.

Trek, in turn, is eying a curvaceous redhead as she pours him a huge goblet of wine. Without a word, he leans down and nips at her bare ass. She squeals before sliding away.

I feel something deep and primal curl in me, totally turned on by the thinly veiled naughtiness all around me. What in the world is going on? I feel like I’ve entered into some mysterious fantasy world where beautiful women dressed in bikinis serve huge, handsome men. Everyone’s young, gorgeous, and very sensual.

I turn to Brax as more women appear in the large room. “Are they…?” I jerk my head at the various women milling about, serving the other men and wearing only the tiniest of bikinis and sheer sarongs. “Are they indentured servants?”

He shakes his head and kisses my hand. “No, the servers are here because they want to be. Our community spoils them rotten and provides for everything. In turn, the girls serve us.”

I can’t help but arch my eyebrow. “Serve you? Meaning?”

Brax leans in, his breath hot on my ear. My insides tingle but I try to focus on his words.

“They prepare our meals, and sometimes they’ll perform for us. And yes, my brothers enjoy their bodies. It’s part of the arrangement, of course. The women enjoy getting fucked by men like us and often, beg us for the opportunity.”

Part of me knows that I should be shocked at this revelation, but it only makes me more curious, not to mention horny.

But then reality intrudes.

“Where do all of these women come from?” I ask quickly, hoping I don’t sound overly suspicious.


